
Unicaja Banco collaborates in the distribution of food and donates toys to children in foster homes and tablets to nursing homes to face the Covid-19

Unicaja Banco works to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus crisis on those people in a situation of vulnerability, with actions like the donation of toys to children in foster homes and tablets for the elderly in nursing homes to communicate with their families, or collaborating to distribute food among the most disadvantaged families

05 MAY 2020

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco works to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus crisis on those people in a situation of vulnerability, not only with measures to help improve their economies, but also with actions like the donation of toys to children in foster homes and tablets for the elderly in nursing homes, or collaborating with organizations like the Banco de Alimentos de la Costa del Sol (Bancosol) to respond to the needs of families at risk of social exclusion.


These actions fall the framework of Unicaja Banco Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and join the measures adopted by the institution to provide support to its customers, especially to those in a situation of vulnerability. The goal of these donations is to allow children, the elderly and, in general, the most disadvantaged families to face the current difficult situation in a better position.




Unicaja Banco, in collaboration with the Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer (IAM, Andalusia Institute for Women), of the Consejería de Igualdad, Políticas Sociales y Conciliación, and with the company Andaluza de Gestión de Servicios Especializados (Agise), has promoted the donation of toys to 120 children in foster homes.


Children under the protection of the Servicio Integral de Atención y Acogida a Víctimas de Violencia de Género (Integral Service to Victims of Gender-based Violence) are, during the lockdown, an especially vulnerable group.


Furthermore, the institution has donated electronic tablets to several nursing homes in Andalusia, of the organization Edad Dorada-Mensajeros de la Paz Andalucía. The goal of this action is to facilitate the communication of the elderly with their families during the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 crisis.





Unicaja Banco has also collaborated with Banco de Alimentos de la Costa del Sol (Bancosol, Food Bank of Costa del Sol) in the Virtual Food Collection organized on 10 and 11 April to assist the most disadvantaged families.


This Bancosol campaign has been based on economic donations, as due to the Covid-19 crisis all the presential food collections promoted by Food Banks were suspended.


The Virtual Food Collection, which has made it possible to distribute a first batch of 120,00 kg of food, helps those homes in a situation of economic vulnerability. Families receive staple foods, mainly food, oil, pulses and ready meals.


Other measures implemented by Unicaja Banco within the framework of its CSR, and which join initiatives to provide support to customers in financing or means of payment, include the exemption, while the state of alarm declared by the Government is in force, of the payment of half of the rent to all the holders of lease agreements of properties integrated in the Social Housing Fund (FSV, Fondo Social de Viviendas).

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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