
Unicaja Banco joins the campaign to support local shops in Valladolid in response to the Covid-19

The bank collaborates with the City Hall and with the city’s shop associations in a promotion campaign to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic

15 JUN 2020

4 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has joined the campaign launched by Valladolid City Hall to reactivate the city’s commercial activity after the impact of the healthcare crisis caused by the coronavirus. The city’s three shop associations –Avadeco, Fecosva and the Chamber of Commerce- also participate in this initiative.


The action intends to reactivate the commercial activity and make the citizens aware that buying in local shops builds community. More than 200 shops have already registered in this promotion, which allow consumers to get 10 euros coupons to use in purchases higher than 30 euros. The budget allocated by the City Hall amounts to 380,000 euros.


Unicaja Banco, which will collaborate in the campaign as management financial institution, will waive the financial costs of payment processing for shop owners. The bank representative, Ricardo Cifuentes, thanked both the City Hall and the business associations, and he remarked the bank’s commitment to the retail segment. In the last months, Unicaja Banco has reinforced its support to shops, businesses and the self-employed with a wide range of measures.


In the event to present this initiative, held today at Valladolid City Hall, the following have participated: the Councilor for Innovation, Economic Development, Employment and Trade, Charo Chávez; the president of AVADECO, Alejandro García Pellitero; the president of FECOSVA, Jesús Herreras; the vice-president of the Valladolid Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, Javier Labarga; and Ricardo Cifuentes, Area Manager of Unicaja Banco, as collaborating financial institution.


The campaign seeks to reactivate the activity of Valladolid retail shops, a segment strongly affected by the declaration of the state of alarm; to make the citizens aware that by buying in local shops they create community, boost the city activity and contribute to a more sustainable environment and to a more personalized experience; to remark the importance of buying from local shops to maintain a full-of-life city model; to show the broad commercial offering of local shops, located both in the city center and in neighborhoods.


This initiative involves the launch of the website, which intends to be the website of reference for all the initiatives related to local shops in the city.


The first measure of this campaign is the ‘local coupon 2020’, which has been endorsed by more than 200 retail shops and remains open for additional shops to join.


From 12:00 on 15 June, the citizens will be able to download discount coupons to be used in the shops which participate in the campaign.


From 15 June to 15 September, 5,000 coupons will be launched every 15 days, totaling 30,000 coupons. If coupons are not redeemed, their amount will be added to that of the next month.


Unicaja Banco’s commitment to Castilla y León


Unicaja Banco, which will collaborate in the campaign as management financial institution, will waive the financial costs of payment processing for shop owners. The bank representative, Ricardo Cifuentes, thanked both the City Hall and the business associations, and he remarked the bank’s commitment to the retail segment.


In the last months, the bank has reinforced its support to shops, businesses and the self-employed, currently focusing on providing funding under the ICO facility of public guarantees approved by the Government to facilitate access to liquidity.


It also promotes measures to facilitate flexible financing conditions, which are adapted on a case-by-case basis.


In Castilla y Leon, Unicaja Banco, as a bank of reference in the region, has joined the liquidity measures for companies created by the Junta through Iberaval and the Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial. It has also signed an agreement with Salamanca City Hall to extend the guarantee facility to the city’s shop owners and hospitality businesses.


Unicaja Banco also support shops with measures such as the temporary waiver of the maintenance fee of physical PoS terminals (action scheduled until 30 June) and facilities for remote processing. The bank offers the possibility of subscribing virtual 

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