
Unicaja Banco renews with the University of Granada the €2 million financing facility at a 0% interest rate, available to students to facilitate the payment of tuition fees

The bank has renewed its agreement with the University of Granada (UGR) to provide students with a €2 million financing line to facilitate the payment, on advantageous terms, of tuition fees at a 0% interest rate

09 JUL 2020

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has renewed its agreement with the University of Granada (UGR) to provide students with a €2 million financing line to facilitate the payment, on advantageous terms, of tuition fees at a 0% interest rate.


Under this agreement entered into with the University for the fourth consecutive year, the bank puts at the disposal of students the Préstamo Matrícula, for the school year 2020-2021 and aimed exclusively to the payment of tuition fees, with no commissions or arrangement fees. The agreement will benefit the over 55,000 students of the University of Granada, which includes students of the Ceuta and Melilla Campus.


The agreement, which reinforces the relationship between Unicaja Banco and the University of Granada (UGR), has been signed by Unicaja Banco’s Area Manager in Granada, Manuel Conde, and by the Chancellor of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda.


The agreement is part of the support that Unicaja Banco gives to young people and to training, with special focus on facilitating access to university studies. The Préstamo Matrícula falls within the full range of financial products and services of Espacio Joven Uni, Unicaja Banco’s platform for the youth.


The Préstamo Matrícula allows students to finance up to €3,000 euros, to be repaid within ten months and with the latest maturity date being 31 May 2021. Students will have access to this instrument upon their registration at the University, which starts with pre-registration on 24 July and ends on 30 October.


Unicaja Banco’s commitment to financing studies and to young people


Unicaja Banco offers a comprehensive and competitive range of specific products to finance studies, covering the payment of tuition fees, the advance payment of student grants or loans for postgraduate studies. Young people aged between 18 and 27 also have access to Fee Free products, such as the young account and Contactless MasterCard debit card, or mobile apps services such as Unicaja Móvil and UniPay.


Unicaja Banco’s financial offering for young people is completed with the web platform Espacio Joven Uni, with alternatives to improve their education through agreements with business schools and training centers, which offer discounts in their programmes, and with the call for full post-graduate scholarships.


This clear commitment of Unicaja Banco to provide financing for studies is reflected in the products Préstamo Matrícula and Grant Advance, which are free as they are based on 0% interest rate financing.


University of Granada


The University of Granada, founded in 1531, has four campuses, as well as the ‘Campus Centro’, in which all the centres spread throughout the historic part of the city are brought together. There are two other campuses in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.


There are over 55,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students at the UGR, and another 10,000 students are taking additional courses: language or summer courses, etc. The University employs over 3,500 lecturers.

  • Productos y servicios

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