unicaja_ banco_ cooperativa_ granada_ la_ palma_2020

Unicaja Banco renews its support to the members of the cooperative Granada La Palma and offers a comprehensive service to support their activity in the context of COVID-19

Unicaja Banco reinforces one more year its support to cooperative Granada La Palma, a referent in the production and trading of cherry and specialty tomato, by the renewal of their collaboration agreement, in force since 2015 and which benefits the 700 farmers who are members of this company

24 SEP 2020

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco offers to these professionals a specific comprehensive financial service, on advantageous terms, to facilitate and improve the development their activities, especially after the economic crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.  The agreement includes as well a line of products designed to meet the needs of the members of the cooperative.


The signature of this agreement falls within the support given by Unicaja Banco to the agri-food sector and especially within its interest in fostering the economic development of the areas where it operates, such as Granada province.


The agreement, recently signed in the headquarters of this cooperative, in Carchuna (Motril), has been renewed by the Unicaja Banco’s Area Manager for Granada, Manuel Conde, and by the President of Cooperativa Granada La Palma, Pedro Ruiz.


The agricultural sector remains a key in the financing policy of Unicaja Banco. In this sense, it plays an active role in providing assistance to this group, determinant for the boost of the economy and job creation. In fact, the Bank has an Agricultural Business Unit (Unidad de Negocio Agrario) with managers specializing in this sector.


Under the agreement entered into, Unicaja Banco provides farmers of Cooperativa Granada La Palma with specific financial products and services, under advantageous conditions, to meet their needs. In particular, it offers:

  • Loans for the campaign of intensive cultivation.
  • Greenhouse loan (Crédito Invernadero).
  • Loans to acquire farms.
  • Loans to improve farms.
  • Loans to install drip irrigation
  • Credi-plástico (for the acquisition of plastics for greenhouses).
  • Loan to acquire farm machinery.
  • Tarjeta Univerde, adapting repayments to campaign income.


Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Granada La Palma was established in 1973. Currently it has more than 700 partners, 1,200 employees and 854 cultivated hectares (25% of the greenhouse surface of the province of Granada). It is one of the largest fruit and vegetable exporter in Spain and a reference in the production and sale of cherry and specialty tomato.

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