
Unicaja’s Edufinet Project starts online 12th Conferences on Financial Education for Young People

The Edufinet Project has started online the 12th Conferences on Financial Education for Young People, to provide Secondary and Baccalaureate students with a clear view of the economic and financial world

27 OCT 2020

3 Min reading

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has started today the first workshops of the 12th Conferences on Financial Education for Young People, to provide Baccalaureate students with a clear view of the economic and financial world. Due to the situation caused by the COVID-19, the lectures will be fully online.


The high school IES Ítaca, from Tomares (Sevilla), has received the first session of this new edition of the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People, which will be developed until March next year.


Invitations to participate have been extended to high schools from Andalusia, Castilla y Leon, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Madrid, Ceuta and Melilla. This new edition intends to continue teaching the basic aspects of economics and finance, paying special attention to the financial products and services that students use or will use throughout their life, with concepts such as family budget, financial system or financing and savings products. As a new feature this year, topics related to sustainable finance, 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and digital transfromation have been included.


In sum, the goal of the twelfth edition of these conferences of the Edufinet Project, linked to the 12th Financial Olympics, is to promote financial literacy, focused on daily elements, with the purpose of teaching the young high school students the appropriate skills for their day-to-day use.


Practical workshops of 60 to 90 minutes are delivered online, adapted to the needs of young people and addressing topics such as family budget, financial system, money and new digital payment systems, savings products or financing modalities. All of the previous is explained analyzing those aspects to be considered in decision-making and assessing the consequences that those decisions may involve.


Additionally, the participating high schools may choose among some optional contents, such as pension funds and investment products, entrepreneurship, digital transformation or sustainable finance.

More than 16,000 students from some 250 high schools in Andalusia, Castilla y Leon, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and Melilla took part in the previous edition of the Conferences ‘Financial Education for Young People’.


Edufinet, a pioneering initiative


The Edufinet Project was launched at the end of 2007, although its development began in 2005. Edufinet has the support of more than ten business institutions and organizations and 16 universities. All of the above have made Unicaja, one of the first institutions in Spain to launch an initiative of that kind, to be one of the most active agents in the areas of financial education and inclusion, in the exercise of its Corporate Social Responsibility and of its commitment to society.


The website has registered so far more than nine million visits, with access from nearly 180 countries. Edufinet offers two additional specific Internet portals: one aimed at young people (Edufinext) and one aimed at business owners and entrerpreneurs (Edufiemp).

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