
Unicaja Edufinet Project closes its 3rd Financial Education Congress, with the participation of more than 500 attendees and 60 experts

The Financial Education Congress organized by Unicaja Edufinet Project has closed today its third edition, with has reached a participation of over 500 attendees and 60 experts

20 NOV 2020

3 Min reading

The 3rd Financial Education Congress, organized by the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has been closed today. It has reached a participation of over 500 attendees and has had the collaboration of more than 60 experts from different fields who have analysed, during this week, the future of this subject.  


In view of the current situation caused by COVID-19 crisis, the 3rd Edufinet Congress, sponsored by Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (Funcas), has been held remotely from last Monday to Friday.


Some of the general goals of the Congress have been to become a meeting point for the main agents involved or interested in financial education; to analyze its current situation in order to identify trends and points of interest, and to share knowledge and experience, especially in view of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


The Congress has also sought to identify the main challenges to improve financial literacy from a general perspective and, in particular, bearing in mind specific groups as young people -paying special attention to millennials-, the elder, investors, families, medias or professional sport professionals.


During this week, the congress has addressed other topics such as the relationship between financial education and regulation and financial supervision, environmental management, corporate social responsibility or circular economy; the impact of inflation on the decisions made by consumers; risks and advantages for consumers arising from the use of sovereign digital currency; or the footprint of the exchange of tax information and tax fraud, among other topics.


The congress has organized a total of 15 sessions on the mentioned topics, as well as six roundtable discussions, with the participation of experts in the different areas covered.


Speakers have included representatives from the Bank of Spain, the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), CECA, the European Economic and Social Committee, Asociación Española de Banca (AEB), European Banking Authority (EBA) or Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros (IEAF) and its foundation.


It has also had speakers from the universities of Malaga, Huelva, Jaén, Salamanca, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Alcalá de Henares or Carlos III, as well as from educational centres, business schools, research departments at financial institutions, consultants, lawyers and other private institutions.


Edufinet Project: 15 years of history


The Edufinet Project has 15 years of history. Although it was launched in 2007, its development began in 2005 within Unicaja, with the collaboration of the Andalusia International University (UNIA, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía) and of the University of Malaga (UMA).


Edufinet currently collaborates with more than 16 universities and more than ten business organizations and institutions. Since it was launched, more than 152,000 people have participated in the different workshops, seminars, courses and lectures organized. The website has registered so far more than 9 million visits, with access from nearly 180 countries.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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