
Unicaja Banco is again the main sponsor of the Copa del Rey de Baloncesto, which will be held in Madrid from 11 to 14 February

Unicaja Banco, pursuant to the agreement reached with acb, is for the second consecutive year the main sponsor of the Copa del Rey de Baloncesto, which will be held in Madrid from 11 to 14 February

18 JAN 2021

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco will be again the main sponsor of the Copa del Rey de Baloncesto following the agreement reached with acb (Spanish Association of Basket Clubs). This year the competition will take place in Madrid from 11 to 14 February.


The agreement makes the bank to be a sponsor of the competition for the second consecutive year.


Unicaja Banco will be present in all the official areas of the Copa del Rey, including the court of the WiZink Center, and in the TV broadcast of the competition games


The sponsorship of Unicaja Banco in this event responds to its traditional support to sports and to the promotion of sport practice because of their positive effects (health, social, leisure, etc.) and their contribution to the creation of healthy lifestyle habits. Furthermore, support to sports is especially important in the current health situation. The sponsorship of Copa del Rey de Baloncesto by Unicaja Banco also falls within the traditional support of the bank to sports such as basketball, volley-ball and others.


The eight teams participating in this year’s edition of Copa del Rey de Baloncesto are Real Madrid, Barça, Iberostar Tenerife, TD Systems Baskonia, Hereda San Pablo Burgos, Valencia Basket, Club Joventut Badalona and Unicaja. The draw of pairs will take place on Monday 18 January.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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