
Unicaja’s Edufinet Project gives an online workshop to teach students of the University of Malaga how to trade in the stock market

Unicaja’s Edufinet Project gives an online workshop to teach students of the University of Malaga how to trade in the stock market

24 FEB 2021

3 Min reading

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, and in collaboration with the University of Malaga (UMA), has delivered again an online workshop on stock markets with the goal of teaching master’s degree students the main keys of the equity market and how to trade stocks.


This training initiative, organized in three sessions (two 3-hour sessions and one 1.5 hour session), has a clearly practical approach and it has allowed students to also learn, among other topics, basic concepts about the financial statements of companies.


The sessions have been delivered by the Head of Financial Education at Grupo Unicaja, José Antonio Díaz Campos, and the students have received information on topics related to the equity market, such as profitability, risk, valuation and how to trade stocks. Later, the participants have applied the concepts they have learnt through several practical exercises.


Among other topics, the students have also learnt about the assets traded on the stock market, the different variables with an impact on the share price and yield, risks and costs of investing in stock markets.


The Edufinet Project, with more than 15 years of history, is one of the pioneering financial education programmes in Spain. It currently collaborates with 16 universities and with more than ten institutions and business organizations.


Commitment to online education


Edufinet reinforces its commitment to online training to take financial education to all citizens, especially in the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


In that line, it is organizing remote roundtables, webinars, workshops and courses, as well as the 12th Conferences on Financial Education for Young People


With regard to webinars, they are broadcasted on its YouTube channel (channel: Proyecto Edufinet), and they are intended to be weekly and to continue improving the financial literacy of citizens.


Since March, the Edufinet Project has participated in remote sessions and it has broadcasted several interviews on its YouTube channel. It has also organized online the final of the 11th Financial Olympics, which put an end to the 11th Conferences on Financial Education for Young People, as well as roundtable discussions and other activities which can be viewed on the Project’s YouTube channel.


Likewise, the 3rd Financial Education Congress was held remotely from 16 to 20 November. It registered a participation of 500 people and the collaboration of over 60 experts from different fields.


In the exercise of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), during this period Edufinet has continued to make available several online resources. To that end, it has got the website and two specific portals (Edufiemp, for business owners and entrepreneurs, and Edufinext, for young people), as well as YouTube channels and accounts on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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