
Unicaja Banco reaffirms its support to the Official Dentist Association of Almeria and it offers a comprehensive financial service to nearly 400 professionals in the province

The bank makes available to the members of the Association a full range of products specifically designed to meet their needs, as well as facilities and financing to favor and improve the development of their professional activities, especially in the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

30 MAR 2021

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco supports one more year the Colegio Oficial de Dentistas de Almería with the renewal of their collaboration agreement, under which the bank puts at the disposal of its nearly 400 members a full and specific range of financial products and services on advantageous terms, aimed at facilitating and improving the development of their activities, especially in the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


This agreement, which reinforces the existing relationship between the parties, has been signed by Unicaja Banco Regional Manager for Eastern Andalusia, Francisco Pérez, and by the President of the Dentist Association of Almeria, Indalecio Segura.


This new agreement falls within the support of Unicaja Banco to the business and professional fabric, to the promotion of entrepreneurship and to the economic development of its home regions in general and, in particular, of the province of Almeria, especially now due to crisis caused by the impact of the coronavirus.


The full range of financial products and services of Unicaja Banco, on advantageous terms, intends to meet the needs of the members of the Association and to improve the development of their management and professional activities.


The main features of the offer and the agreement are:


Point-of-sale financing service (Crédito Comercio, modality: Dental Clinics), aimed at financing the dental treatments of customers.


Financing for businesses, for investments, acquisition of premises and offices, and cash flow needs, guarantees, financing for personal needs, and a wide range of products for members of the Association and employees.


- Wide range of Unicaja Banco products and services, such as:

  • Channeling of official credits and subsidies.
  • Business Account- Fee Free Plan, Próxima Personal Banking Account and Fee-Free Plan for Entrepreneurs.
  • Treasury surplus management.
  • E-banking (UniVía service and mobile services for smartphones and tablets, Flexicompra financing system, PoS terminals, E-Business card, Pre-payment cards for businesses and Crédito Comercio).
  • Service for the payment of salaries, direct debit of invoices and payment of taxes.
  • Wide range of insurances and pension funds with competitive profitability.



The Colegio Oficial de Dentistas de Almería has nearly 400 members, all of them professionals in the province of Almería. Among its main goals, the following can be mentioned: ordering the professional practice –within its field of competence-; representing dentists and defending the interests of its members; safeguarding the deontological principles of dignity and prestige; promoting the continuous improvement of the oral and dental health and collaborating with the public institutions to get the right of citizens to health protection  

  • Institucional

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