
Unicaja Banco reaffirms one more year its support to Marenostrum Fuengirola music festival

Unicaja Banco has renewed one more year its support as main sponsor of the music festival Marenostrum Fuengirola, organized by the town hall and celebrating its sixth edition this year

11 MAR 2021

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco reaffirms one more year its support to the music festival Marenostrum Fuengirola as main sponsor. The event is organized by the city town hall and will celebrate its sixth edition in 2021, to be held in compliance with all the health measures.


The agreement has been presented by Unicaja Banco’s Head of Institutional Relations and Relations with Stakeholders, Fernando Ríos, and by Fuengirola Mayor, Ana Mula.


The said sponsorship, renewed for the fourth consecutive year, reflects Unicaja Banco’s interest in strengthening its support to the productive fabric and to the sectors driving the economic development and job creation, both in Andalusia in general and in the province of Malaga in particular, especially in view of the crisis caused by the COVID-19.


It also reflects the bank’s support to the promotion of culture and music, also materialized in other initiatives where the bank collaborates, such as the sponsorship of Valladolid International Cinema Festival (Seminci).


Marenostrum Fuengirola, whose programme will be disclosed shortly, has become one of the main music events in Spain, gathering more than 250,000 attendants. In its previous editions, the event had the performance of national and international top artists such as Jennifer López, Bob Dylan, Manuel Carrasco, Rod Stewart, Leiva or Izal, among others.

  • Institucional

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