
Unicaja Banco launches with Santalucía its first sustainable pension plan

Under ESG criteria, it constitutes a mid- and long-term financial investment alternative whose profitability target are aligned with sustainable, environmental and social values

24 JUN 2021

4 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Grupo Santalucía have launched their first sustainable pension plan, Uniplan Futuro Sostenible, which, under ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria, constitutes a mid- and long-term financial investment alternative whose profitability target are aligned with the sustainable, environmental and social values increasingly demanded by citizens, companies and institutions. Sustainable investments represent an evolution of traditional investments, as they add a plus to the achievement of financial or economic profit.


This plan, which will be managed by Unicorp Vida (company held at 50% by Unicaja Banco and Santalucía) and traded by Unimediación SL through the bank’s network, will invest mainly, directly or indirectly, in assets that promote sustainable investments and seek to comply the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as climate change and inequality, innovation promotion, sustainable consumption or peace and justice.


For that purpose, a series of procedures –aligned with the European Union’s regulatory developments- have been implemented, to ensure the analysis of the specific ESG information before investing in a certain asset, as well as its ongoing follow-up.


This new sustainable and solidary investment vehicle focuses on international mixed variable income. It will invest mainly in fixed income and variable income international markets, with the highest security and profitability standards, minimising the risk of investment with regard to variations in the economic environment.


More specifically, the plan’s managers will invest mainly in variable income assets, in a percentage ranging from 50 to 75%, that are listed in organized markets in OECD countries and emerging markets.


Within each sector, investments will be made in high market capitalization and high liquidity variable income securities. The rest will be invested in fixed income assets and treasury in euros, with the portfolio having a term between one and six years.


Wide range of pension plans


Unicaja Banco offers a wide range of pension plans that fits any risk profile, from the most conservative with short-term fixed income, to the most aggressive variable income profiles, offering alternatives for all the participants.


The investment strategies followed by Unicorp Vida pension plans traded by Unimediación SL through the bank’s network have allowed participants to get satisfactory results in the plans over time, reaching a privileged positioning in their respective categories.


With the focus on customer satisfaction, Unicaja Banco offers to its customers saving and investment products with a long-term view, inherent to the sustainability approach, seeking two key objectives: providing stability to yields and preserving the capital, as well as contributing to achieve the SDGs. In fact, Unicorp Vida’s pension plans traded by the bank are recommended by renowned independent analysts, such as Morningstar, which give them high ratings.


Sustainable products


Within Unicaja’s Banco commitment to sustainable finance, it features additional products, such as a socially responsible investment fund, called Unifond Sostenible Mixto Renta Variable FI. In this case, the criteria followed when choosing assets are environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.


It also offers the Préstamo Motor Eco Verde (Eco Green Motor Loan), the bank’s first sustainable loan, with advantageous terms, for the acquisition of green vehicles.


Likewise, Grupo Unicaja Banco has prepared an Action Plan on Sustainable Finance, approved in 2020 and reviewed and updated in 2021. With the integration of ESG criteria, the bank intends to promote social and financial inclusion, as well as to contribute to the fight against climate change and to contribute to environment protection, from the perspective of efficient corporate management and the alignment with the purposes of the different stakeholders (customers, staff, shareholders and investors, providers and the society in general).

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
  • Productos y servicios

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