
UN’s Unitar Agency recognizes the commitment of Unicaja Edufinet Project to financial education

It also highlights the work to promote the SDGs and 2030 Agenda

29 JUL 2021

3 Min reading

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (Unitar) has recognized the works in financial education developed for more than 15 years by Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, as well as the work to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2030 Agenda.


This recognition highlights Edufinet’s commitment to financial inclusion and quality financial education. As a proof of the said recognition, the UN’s Agency presented the Head of the Edufinet Project, José M. Domínguez, with a commemorative plaque, signed in Geneva (Switzerland), in the name of the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of Unitar, Nikhil Seth.


In addition to José M. Domínguez, the event was attended by members of the Edufinet working team, by the Manager of the Center for Training of Authorities and Leaders (Cifal Malaga), Julio Andrade; by the Head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Unicaja Banco, José María López, and by the Head of Financial Education at Fundación Unicaja, Manuel Dorado.


Since Cifal Malaga was established in 2018, the Edufinet Project has shown its support to the work developed by this institution to promote financial inclusion, collaborating in the development of training activities.


Edufinet and Cifal Malaga entered into a collaboration agreement at the end of 2019 to participate jointly in the organization and development of training activities related to financial education, and also related to the dissemination and awareness of the SDGs in the UN 2030 Agenda. Since then, both institutions have developed several initiatives.


Dissemination of financial education


More specifically, through its collaboration with Cifal Malaga, Edufinet contributes to make this center the first one of its global network to address financial inclusion within its general goal of social inclusion.


In fact, Cifal Malaga is a training center of reference for the entire Mediterranean area, where local, national and regional leaders can acquire skills that allow them to advance sustainable development in their communities and improve the quality of life of their societies and citizens.


In the exercise of the CSR policy of Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, both institutions contribute, through Edufinet, to the implementation of policies and practices to promote financial inclusion and sustainable development, considering the dissemination of the SDGs and 2030 Agenda.


Cifal Malaga


Cifal Málaga works to promote learning and foster the exchange of knowledge related to good practices in social inclusion, governance and urban planning between public representatives, leaders of international organizations, private companies and academic institutions


With the collaboration of institutions such as Edufinet, it organizes seminars and workshops to promote the transmission of knowledge and the exchange of practical solutions on financial inclusion, sustainable development and poverty reduction, both between public representatives and private companies and financial institutions.


Edufinet Project


With more than 15 years of experience working to bring financial education closer to the different demographics, more than ten business organizations and institutions and 16 universities collaborate with the Edufinet Project.


Unicaja, a pioneering institution in Spain to launch an initiative of this kind, is therefore one of the most active agents in the fields of financial education and inclusion, under the exercise of its CSR and the commitment to society of both Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja.


  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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