
Information note about the fourth meeting on employment negotiation between Unicaja Banco and the legal representation of employees

The comparison of the working conditions at Unicaja Banco and Liberbank is being analysed

15 OCT 2021

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco held today the fourth meeting with the Legal Representation of Employees (RLT). The meeting, held in person in Madrid, is part of the informal period (set forth in the Additional Transitional Provision Five of the Collective Labor Agreement for Savings Banks and Savings Financial Institutions) within the labour negotiation process following the merger with Liberbank bank.


Today, the attendees have continued with the analysis, started in yesterday’s meeting, of the comparison between the working conditions at Unicaja Banco and Liberbank, with the goal of achieving a model for harmonisation. 


In this line, attention has been paid to the conditions related to labour regulations (working hours, holidays and paid leaves, for instance), as well as those related to social benefits (economic aids, loans, unpaid leaves, etc.).


The RLT has analysed the information provided and has presented several proposals regarding the said analysis, which will be studied by the company representation, always within the framework of the goals of this negotiation process.


This analysis falls within the negotiation process started on 22 September, with meetings held on 5 and 14 October. (Further information on the following links: 5 October and 14 October).


The next meeting will be held in person on 20 October in Malaga. 

  • Institucional

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