
Information note about the sixth meeting on employment negotiation between Unicaja Banco and the legal representation of employees

It is agreed to conclude the informal period and to continue the negotiation process

27 OCT 2021

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco held today in Malaga the sixth meeting with the Legal Representation of Employees (RLT), part of the informal period (set forth in the Additional Transitional Provision Five of the Collective Labor Agreement for Savings Banks and Savings Financial Institutions) within the labour negotiation process following the merger with Liberbank.


The RLT has presented its assessment of the proposal made by the company’s representation at the meeting held on 20 October.


At today’s meeting, it has been agreed to conclude the informal period and to continue with the negotiation process and therefore a new meeting will be called in the next days to start the consultation period established in sections 40, 41 and 51 of the Workers’ Statute.


In this regard, the institution Management maintains its offer of dialogue and negotiation with the RLT to find measures that allow the parties to advance in the negotiation to reach an agreement and to give response to the causes behind this process (improvement of the Bank’s profitability and efficiency, elimination of overlaps, duplicities and inefficiencies, and adaptation of the structure to the current context) and also to the goals and principles it is based on.


Unicaja Banco’s labour negotiation process started on 22 September, with meetings held on 5, 14, 15 and 27 October. (Further information on the following links: 5 October14 October15 October and 20 October).

  • Institucional

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