At the meeting the company representation has made a comparison of the working conditions at Unicaja Banco and Liberbank.
In this line, based on the different origin institutions, attention has been paid to the conditions related to labour regulations (working hours, holidays and paid leaves, for instance), as well as those related to social benefits (economic aids, loans, unpaid leaves, etc.).
This analysis falls within the negotiation process started on 22 September and with a second meeting held on 5 October.
The negotiation period focuses, as it has said at the meeting of 5 October, on the areas of staff resizing, geographical mobility and modification of working conditions.
This process responds to the achievement of the institution’s strategic targets included in the draft merger terms and falls within the sector trends in a complex environment subject to several changes. The said process seeks, among others, to improve the bank’s profitability and efficiency (through the elimination of overlaps and the use of economies of scale), to adapt its structure to the current context, marked by a general transformation of the financial system, with a view to achieve the synergies included in the draft merger terms, as well as to preserve a competitive market position.