
Unicaja Banco strengthen ties with Extremadura business owners with the sponsorship of Grupo Ros awards

The bank gives the ‘best company’ award to the Extremadura association of family business

22 OCT 2021

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco is again a main sponsor at the 15th Grupo Ros Awards and gives the ‘Best Company’ prize to the Extremadura Association of Family Business (Asociación Extremeña de la Empresa Familiar). These awards, presented at an event held in Badajoz, recognize the work of business owners with a passion for the world of business and entrepreneurship and who are committed to innovation, social commitment or rural entrepreneurship.


Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager, Julio Morales, gave the award to the President of the Extremadura Association of Family Business. Miguel Ángel Leal, highlighting the bank’s commitment to the business sector to contribute to the economic and social development of Extremadura. ‘Our commitment is also reflected in our day-to-day financial activity, working together with companies in their creation and in the development of so many businesses in our region, where nine out of ten are family companies’, he said.


The award ceremony, organized as usual by Grupo Ros, was sponsored by Unicaja Banco and also by Badajoz City Hall and the Department of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda of the regional Extremadura government.


In addition to recognizing business projects, companies and institutions in the region, these awards also seek to detect initiatives that, although developed outside the region, are leaded by people related to Extremadura.


Awarded companies have included La Casa de las Carcasas, Mario Alonso Ayala, José Javier Hombrados, Grupo Logístico Noriega, Friex, University of Extremadura and Arram Consultores, Senergyps, MediCane, Alta Fit, Elías Guerrero. The Public Award was granted to José Luis Iniesta, of Grupo Río Badajoz.


Support to the business fabric


Unicaja Banco’s support to these awards falls within the bank’s support to the business fabric and within its interest in the promotion of entrepreneurship and fostering the economic boost and employment creation in the areas where it operates.


  • Institucional

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