
Information note about the fifth and sixth meetings of the formal negotiation period between Unicaja Banco and the Legal Representation of Employees

The parties will meet again in the coming days

24 NOV 2021

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and the Legal Representation of Employees (RLT) held yesterday and today the fifth and sixth meetings of the formal consultation period, within the framework of the labour negotiation process after the merger with Liberbank.


At yesterday’s meeting, the RLT presented to the Management a joint proposal with the conditions of the measures in the areas of separations and geographical mobility. The company made a first analysis of the proposal and announced that the final assessment would be made at the next meeting.


At today’s meeting, the Company communicated the said assessment, expressing that the conditions proposed by the RLT cannot be assumed by the company.


However, with a will to advance, the company has made a new proposal which, finally, has not had the agreement of the Legal Representation of Employees.


Unicaja Banco’s labour negotiation process started its informal period on 22 September, with meetings held on 5, 14, 15 and 27 October.


Then, the formal consultation period started on 3 November, establishing a Negotiation Committee and a calendar of meetings, as set forth in Articles 51, 40 and 41 of the Workers’ Stature.


After today’s meeting, the next ones will be held on 1 and 2 December. (Further information: 5 October14 October15 October, 20 October3 November10 November and 16 and 17 November).

  • Institucional

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