
Unicaja Banco, named ‘Company of the Year’ at the CEM’s IX Hacemos Málaga Awards

This award recognizes the company that in the last year has stood out for its business drive and initiative

15 NOV 2021

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has been awarded at the IX Premios Empresariales Hacemos Málaga, organized by Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga (CEM, Málaga Association of Business Owners), in collaboration with the Diputación Provincial. The bank has been named ‘Company of the Year’.


The award has been delivered today to Unicaja Banco’s Chairman, Manuel Azuagaga, by the President of the CEM and of the Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (CEA, Andalusia Association of Business Owners), Javier González de Lara, at an event held at Auditorio Edgar Neville.


These awards intend to highlight the figure of business owners as a driving force for the economy. In fact, the companies honoured in each edition are examples of a broad and consolidated reality, in which their strength, commitment and drive are genuine signs of identity.


'Company of the Year'


The ‘Company of the Year’ award recognises the company that in the last year has stood out for its business drive and its capability and initiative in three areas: social, environmental and innovation.


Indeed, Unicaja Banco, after the merger with Liberbank this year, stands as the fifth Spanish bank by assets volume, with 4.5 million customers. While it remains as a financial reference in the society and economy of Malaga and Andalusia, it also expands its national projection.


As a listed bank based in Malaga, where it has deep historical roots, it has a broad and diversified presence in 80% of the country, and it is the bank of reference in six autonomous communities: Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura. It has a traditional presence as well in other markets such as Madrid, Ceuta and Melilla.


In addition to its recent merger with Liberbank, completed in July 2021, other milestones to be remarked are its IPO in 2017 and then, the integration of EspañaDuero.


Since its inception, Unicaja Banco has been characterized by a proximity banking model and by its proven trajectory of financial solvency and soundness. It also stands out for its closeness and commitment to its home regions and for the knowledge of its customers and the areas where it is present.



Other awarded companies


In addition to ‘Company of the Year’, the Premios Empresariales Hacemos Málaga include other three categories: ‘Social Action’, awarded to Museo Interactivo de la Música (MIMMA, Interactive Music Museum); ‘Generating Future’, granted to Claroflex, and ‘Business Trajectory’, given to Hutesa Agroalimentaria.


  • Institucional

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