
Unicaja Banco sponsors Seville Farinato Race, with 1,800 participants

Imagen de archivo de la última Farinato Race, celebrada en Mérida

The obstacle course will be held in Mairena del Aljarafe

25 NOV 2021

1 Min reading

A new Farinato Race will be organized on 27 and 28 November in Mairena del Aljarafe (Seville), thanks to the sponsorship of Unicaja Banco. This is the last race of the 2021 obstacle course circuit, after visiting other Spanish cities such as Madrid, San Sebastián or Mérida.


A total of 1,800 people will participate in this edition, in which all registrations have been sold out.


The Farinato Race competitions take place in extremely tough terrain with a variety of obstacles that test the skill, ability, limits and overcoming capacity of the participants. With this spirit and under the slogan ‘There is no greater victory than beating oneself’, this race completes a circuit of races organized in several Spanish towns.


In addition to the competitive race, to be held on Sunday 28 November, on Saturday there will be sporting activities and experiences for families and young people, as well as duels and beginner races, in the so called ‘Family Day’, with participation open to young people and children.


Unicaja Banco collaborates with this initiative with the will to bring all kind of sport and leisure activities closer to the general public and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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