Unicaja Banco and the Legal Representation of Employees (RLT) have reached today, within the framework of the labour negotiation process after the merger with Liberbank, an agreement with the trade unions CCOO, UGT, CIC-Suma-T-SIBANK and CSIF, which represent 76.92% of the members of the Negotiation Committee, thus ending the formal consultation period.
The Institution’s Management and the RLT held in Malaga on 1, 2 and 3 December the eighth, ninth and tenth meetings of the formal consultation period. Finally, after the exchange of several proposals and counterproposals, an agreement was reached, based on the priority mechanism of voluntary terminations as the essential criterion to choose the employees subject to this process.
The Management thanks the RLT for its work, which has allowed the parties to end this procedure in terms which allow for the staff’s rights and interests to be reconciled with the achievement of the company's objectives.
This labour negotiation process responds to the achievement of the institution’s strategic goals foreseen in the draft merger terms, and falls within the sector trends in a complex environment and subject to multiple challenges.
As it has been said in other occasions, this process seeks, among other factors, to improve the bank’s profitability and efficiency (through the elimination of overlaps and the use of economies of scale); to adapt its structure to the current context, characterized by a general transformation of the financial system, in order to achieve the synergies set in the draft merger terms, as well as to preserve a competitive market position. All of the above, having the bank’s future sustainability as a goal.
Unicaja Banco’s labour negotiation process started its informal period on 22 September, with meetings held on 5, 14, 15 and 27 October. Then, the formal consultation period started on 3 November, establishing a Negotiation Committee and a calendar of meetings, as set forth in Articles 51, 40 and 41 of the Workers’ Statute.
(Further information: 5 October, 14 October, 15 October, 20 October, 3 November, 10 November, 16 and 17 November, 23 and 24 November and 30 November).