
Unicaja Banco signs collaboration agreements with business associations from Nerja, Torremolinos and Vélez-Málaga to provide funding to its members

The bank intends to contribute to the development of actions aimed at improving the business fabric, facilitating the economic boost and supporting job creation

23 FEB 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has entered into collaboration agreements with business owner associations from three towns in Malaga province: Nerja, Torremolinos and Vélez-Málaga, which gather more than one thousand members. The goal is to provide funding on advantageous terms to the companies that are member of these associations.


The three associations belong to Malaga Confederation of Business Owners (CEM, Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga). In fact, the agreements fall within the agreement signed in July between Unicaja Banco and CEM.


In particular, the associations with which Unicaja Banco reinforces its collaboration are Asociaciones de Empresarios de Nerja (AEN), Torremolinos (ACET) and Vélez-Málaga (ACEV).


The agreements entered into by Unicaja Banco and the said associations reinforces, as did the one entered into with CEM, the long-term existing relationship and aimed at achieving the common goals of promoting the business fabric, facilitating the economic boost and supporting employment in Malaga and its province, and especially in Nerja, Torremolinos and Vélez-Málaga.


The goal is to provide financing on advantageous terms to businesses from those three towns, with the aim of promoting investments, and supporting the expansion and development of strategic projects of the business sector, especially in view of the economic situation caused by the COVID-19.


Businesses in general and SMEs in particular continue to be one of the key groups in Unicaja Banco’s funding policy, especially in Andalusia and, in particular, in Malaga. One of the bank’s priority commercial axes is providing financing to businesses, which are a key driver to make the economy more dynamic and to stimulate job creation.


Main features of the agreement


This collaboration agreement includes specific financial products and services under advantageous conditions, aimed at meeting the needs of businesses and of the self-employed registered with these three business associations.


As part of the CEM, the companies belonging to these associations will also benefit from advantageous conditions in deposit products, with the Fee-Free Plan for Professional Freelancers, as well as treasury management for freelancers and businesses through accounts, mutual funds or private banking; in financing for businesses, with services such as Unicaja reverse factoring, leasing and renting, factoring; financing for working capital and to invest in new projects and foreign trade; microcredits and First Company Loan to promote self-employment with viable initiatives.


They will also have access to other products and services, such as channeling of subsidies and official credits, means of payment, payment of taxes, real estate; international transactions; digital banking, and insurance and pension plans. 


  • Productos y servicios

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