
Unicaja Banco’s employees collaborate to plant a forest in Toledo

A total of 365 have been planted, one for each day of the year

14 MAR 2022

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Toledo City Hall have collaborated in a project to reforest part of the surroundings of Fuente del Moro, in which more than 40 people -employees of the bank and their families-, have participated as volunteers. The action, which has taken place on 12 March, is part of the project Unicaja Banco Forests and has involved the plantation of 365 native trees, one for each day of the year.


The goal of this initiative is reducing the carbon footpring and, additionally, restoring an area which, as a consequence of the Filomena storm last year, suffered important damage. With the advice and management of the startup Bosquia Nature and guided by technical staff and volunteers, the area has been reforested with native species, such as holm oak, juniper, hawthorn or wild rose.


The following have participated in the activity: the Councilor for Parks and Gardens of Toledo City Hall, Marta Medina, the Head of Projects of Bosquia Nature, David Roza, Unicaja Banco’s Manager of Toledo main branch, Ignacio González, the Manager of the branch at Calle México, Óscar Aguado, and Cristina Santacruz, from the Sustainability and CSR Department, as well as volunteering employees who have participated with their families.


The Unicaja Banco Forests project started two years ago, with the planting of the two first forests in Caceres and in Sierra de Gata and a third one in Llanes (Asturias). This action is, therefore, the first one in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, and will be followed by others in the areas of action of Unicaja Banco, such as Sierra Bermeja, in Malaga province.


Fight against climate change


Tree planting is one of the most efficient solutions for carbon sequestration. The reforestation of this damaged area will contribute to soil regeneration and to the creation of new ecosystems, thus slowing the loss of biological diversity. 


Unicaja Banco Forests project is part of the bank’s environmental actions in line with its Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies. In this line, the bank wants to collaborate in the fight against the climate change, thus contributing to the 2030 Agenda with the SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on land), maintaining its strong commitment to environmental conservation, under its adherence to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.  

  • Institucional

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