
Unicaja Banco collaborates one more year in the advance payment of CAP subsidies

The participation in this campaign falls within the Institution’s historic commitment to support agriculture and farming

03 MAR 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has launched one more year the campaign for the processing of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2022 aids, providing its customers with the possibility of receiving the advance payment of the aids through loans under advantageous conditions, as well as with advice and personalized management in the processing of their application dossiers.


This advance payment will be offered to farmers and livestock breeders from Andalusia, Principado de Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura. For that purpose, the bank collaborates one more year with the Agriculture Departments of the regional governments of those autonomous communities.


The participation of Unicaja Banco in the CAP campaign of subsidies (Basic Payment Scheme, Green Payment, Young Farmers Scheme, Farming Associated Aids and Agri-environmental Measures) falls within the Institution’s historic commitment to support agriculture and farming.


This support is reflected in the provision of financial, protection and advisory services, in the development of specific agreements and in shareholdings in companies of the sector.


The campaign launched on the occasion of the start of the period to submit applications to get CAP subsidies (olive groves, sheep, goat, beef and veal cattle, arable crops, protein and industrial crops, nuts, etc.) is supported by technical, human and financial resources of Unicaja Banco, to offer experience and confidence, factors especially valued by customers.


Unicaja Banco provides assistance to these customers in the submission of the applications to get different aids for the current campaign. For that purpose, farmers and livestock breeders can contact the bank’s branches in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, where they will receive specialized advice and assistance to fill in their applications.


The processing of these subsidies by Unicaja Banco involves some advantages for the beneficiaries, such as personalized advice, processing and management of their dossier and also the possibility to receive the advance payment of the aid granted, with or without interest and with exceptional conditions.


Period for the submission of applications


Regarding the periods for the submission of applications for agricultural subsidies, those interested may submit their applications by 30 April, and by 31 October for the advance payment.


The experience of Unicaja Banco in the agricultural sector in general, and in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura in particular, is proven with the continuous adaptation of its services to the needs of farmers.


In fact, the bank puts at the disposal of these professionals a wide range of specialized products and services under advantageous conditions, what is possible through the agreements entered into with the main farming cooperatives and organizations.

  • Productos y servicios

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