
Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with Fundación Adecco to collaborate in access to employment for women at risk of social exclusion

The bank supports one more year the celebration of the Women’s Week 2022

08 MAR 2022

6 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has signed a new collaboration with Fundación Adecco to boost the development of work inclusion activities for women at risk of social exclusion, a group addressed by Fundación Adecco under the programme #EmpleoParaTodos (#EmploymentForAll), which has been promoting for more than twenty years the social and employment integration of those people who find it difficult to have access to employment.


The agreement has been signed by the Head of Institutional Relations and Image of Unicaja Banco, Fernando Ríos, and by the Regional Manager of Fundación Adecco in Eastern Andalusia, Miguel Ángel de Pedro.


Under this framework, the bank supports one more year the celebration of the Women’s Week 2022, initiative promoted by Fundación Adecco on the occasion of International Women’s Day, celebrated today 8 March, and through which it intends to boost access to employment for women at risk of exclusion and to raise awareness on the need to achieve gender equality and full social and employment inclusion of those women in a situation of difficulty.


Unicaja Banco’s Head of Institutional Relations and Image has highlighted the work of the Fundación Adecco to “help women in exclusion and provide visibility and solutions to the problems they have to face”. Likewise, he remarked, as a traditional value of the financial institution, the work to reinforce equal opportunities between men and women, contributing to train and raise awareness among employees in this area and to promote that women effectively occupy their rightful place in the business and institutional sphere.


The Manager of Fundación Adecco in Eastern Andalusia has thanked Unicaja Banco for “its commitment to the most vulnerable people, as it is the case of women at risk of exclusion, which exceed 1.5 million in Andalusia”. “Thanks to its collaboration, we start a week full of actions to boost employment and raise awareness, under the framework of the International Women’s Day”, he added.


Specifically, through the programme #EmpleoParaTodos, Fundación Adecco launches resources, tools and training aimed at increasing the employability of those people.


In particular, some of the beneficiaries of the said programme are women at risk of social and job exclusion: disabled, over 55 and unemployed for a long time, with non-shared family responsibilities and/or victims of domestic violence. The goal is to provide them with resources and tools that are essential to improve their employability, as well as to raise awareness on the serious difficulties that they face to compete in the same conditions in the job market.


This support by Unicaja Banco falls within the framework of its Equality Plan and within its Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, and it responds to its commitment to diversity and equality, as well as to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with special focus on gender equality (SDG 5), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) and reduced inequalities (SDG 10)



Workshops for women in a situation of vulnerability


Unicaja Banco becomes one of the more than 100 committed entities with Fundación Adecco’s Women’s Week 2022, allowing the organization of job orientation training workshops, which will benefit more than 300 women at risk of exclusion. These workshops provide a comprehensive overview of the job search process, addressing all the phases involved in this itinerary: from the definition of the professional objective or the preparation of the resume or the use of job portals and LinkedIn as essential tools in the labor market of the 21st century.


The workshops will be reinforced with advice from two two leading women: Eva Porto, Human Resources influencer, and the disabled athlete Carmen Giménez. Both will use their social media as a loudspeaker to reach the most vulnerable women and launch an inspirational message to motivate unemployed women in the job search process.


Support to the awareness-raising campaign ‘Tenemos que fijarnos más’


Under the framework of Women’s Week 2022, Unicaja Banco support the aware-raising initiative ‘Tenemos que fijarnos más’, a video which will go viral these days and which tells the story of Belén, which is also the story of more than four million women at risk of exclusion. Narrated in a humorous tone by Victoria Martín and Carolina Iglesias, humorists, presenters and winners of the Ondas 2021 award for the podcast ‘Estirando el chicle’.


This campaign invites to reflection on the harsh context that accompanies women with more difficulties and that complicates their search for employment. The video is available on the website


#EmpleoParaTodas Report: women at risk of social exclusion


In addition to being one of the more than 100 entities that have shown their commitment to Fundación Adecco’s Women’s Week, Unicaja Banco has intensified its collaboration by supporting the publication of the report #EmpleoParaTodas: women at risk of exclusion in the labor market, an analysis of the employment situation of women with more difficulties, whose objective is to show the inequality they face in their access to employment and put forward proposals to accelerate their inclusion in the labor market.


Fundación Adecco, established in 1999, is the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility assumed by Grupo Adecco as global leader in human resources management. Its main goal is employment insertion of those people who, due to their personal characteristics, find it more difficult getting a job: disabled, over 55 and unemployed for a long time, women with non-shared family responsibilities or victims of domestic violence and other groups at risk of social exclusion.


Commitment of Unicaja Banco to equality and diversity


Following its own CSR model, since 2009 Grupo Unicaja Banco has got an Equality Plan, under which it reinforces equal opportunities between men and women.


Likewise, the bank boosts several lines of actions to promote access, development and the promotion of women to responsibility positions, as well as to promote a greater female leadership in senior management, increasing the visibility of their talent through training actions and career plans among its staff.


Additionally, within the framework of its Equality Plan, the bank includes the implementation of specific measures to boost the balanced assumption of responsibilities and favour juggling work and family life for their employees.


The bank also has a Protocol to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Harassment based on Sex in the Workplace, and there are procedures to attend victims of domestic violence –outside the professional activity- and for pregnant and breastfeeding women.


  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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