
Unicaja Banco and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias renew their agreement to facilitate the processing of CAP in Castilla-La Mancha

This agreement reflects the bank's commitment to Castilla-La Mancha and its continued strong commitment to the sector

09 MAR 2022

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha have signed a collaboration agreement to facilitate farmers in the region the processing of their application to CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) subsidies.


The agreement, signed by Unicaja Banco’s Commercial Banking Regional Manager, José Ignacio Martínez Uviedo, and by the Head of Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias, Juan Miguel del Real, involves the collaboration between both institutions in a new CAP campaign.


Under the agreement, those applying to the said subsides will be able to process them through Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias, using the organization’s technical staff and resources and having access to the financial advantages provided by Unicaja Banco, such as the advance payment of the subsidy.


Juan Miguel del Real has said that ‘one more year, we are offering our members a broad range of financial services, with experience, ensuring a quality service’.


José Ignacio Martínez has remarked ‘the importance of this agreement joining two institutions with a wide experience to facilitate the processing and advance payment of subsidies, as well as to cover the financial needs of farmers and livestock breeders’. He has also highlighted Unicaja Banco’s commitment to Castilla-La Mancha and its continuous and strong support to the sector.



Financial advantages


Unicaja Banco offers financial advantages especially designed for farming professionals, such as the advance payment of the subsidies or the financing of agricultural insurance policies under remarkable conditions, as well as a broad range of specialized products and services.


Farmers and livestock breeders will have at their disposal new financing products to start up any project, invest in upgrade or acquisition of new farming machinery, invest in new crops, acquire more efficient machinery or expand their markets.


Unicaja Banco, aware of the needs of farmers and livestock breeders, has recently collaborated with Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha in the workshops ‘Plan estratégico de la Nueva PAC 2023/2027’ (New CAP Strategic Plan 2023/2027), organized in Toledo and Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real), with the attendance of nearly one thousand professionals.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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