
Unicaja Banco and UGAM-COAG Cantabria will facilitate the processing of CAP and the advance payment of subsidies to farmers

The bank keeps a strong commitment to the agricultural sector

11 MAR 2022

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Unión de Ganaderos y Agricultores Montañeses (UGAM-COAG) in Cantabria have renewed the agreement under which each year they collaborate to lend their support to farmers in the processing of applications to CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) subsidies.


Under the agreement, farmers will be able to use the organization’s specialized staff and resources to process the subsidies, while, at the same time, will have access to the financial advantages provided by Unicaja Banco, such as the advance payment of the aids.


The agreement, signed by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager in Central Cantabria, Rafael Álvarez, and by the Head of UGAM-COAG Cantabria, Gaspar Anabitarte, will provide assistance to the members of the association in the processing of subsidies and access to financial products under advantageous conditions with Unicaja Banco.


Both parties have highlighted the importance of this collaboration, which allows to know first-hand the situation of the sector in Cantabria, so as to be able to adapt the financial resources to the real needs of professionals.



Financial advantages


Unicaja Banco, a bank committed to Cantabria, offers financial advantages especially designed for farmers and livestock breeders, such as the advance payment of the subsidies, as well as a broad range of specialized products and services.

Farmers and livestock breeders will have at their disposal new financing products to start up any project, invest in upgrades, acquire more efficient machinery or expand their markets.


In short, Unicaja Banco works to develop specialized products and services adapted to the needs of the agricultural sector, which, especially in recent years, is facing changes in the market and in the regulation of aids, as well as an ongoing adaptation to more sustainable models.


  • Productos y servicios

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