
Unicaja Banco and Asaja Málaga collaborate to facilitate the processing of CAP to farmers and livestock breeders

The provision of services by the bank responds to its strong commitment to the agricultural sector

06 APR 2022

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Asociación Agraria Jóvenes Agricultores (Asaja) Málaga collaborate one more year, within the framework of the UE 2022 CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) campaign, to facilitate the processing and management of subsidies to farmers and livestock breeders.


The agreement has been signed by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager of Commercial Banking in Málaga, Agustín Sánchez, and by the Head of Asaja Málaga, Baldomero Bellido.


The bank offers its customers the possibility to receive the subsidies in advance, with loans on advantageous terms. It has also enabled a facility of pre-approved loans.


Unicaja Banco's participation in the CAP agricultural aid campaign in the province of Malaga, especially for olive groves, sheep, goats, cattle and arable crops, is part of its strong commitment to support the agricultural sector, which translates into the provision of financial, protection and advisory services.




With the collaboration of Asaja Malaga, farmers and livestock breeders in the province of Malaga will have greater advantages in relation to advice, management and personalized processing of their dossiers.


At a time of deep changes for the sector, Unicaja Banco continues with its firm commitment to be the financial support that the agricultural sector needs in order to take advantage of new challenges and opportunities and to obtain the best performance from its work.


Asaja Málaga, established in 1993, is the largest professional association of farmers and livestock breeders in the province of Malaga, representing the professional interests of more than 5,500 members, 80% of the total agricultural area of Málaga.


As an independent, non-profit association, its objectives are the representation, management, defense and promotion of the professional, individual and collective interests of its members.

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