
Customers from Liberbank can now operate through Unicaja Banco’s digital banking

22 MAY 2022

2 Min reading

  • The process of technological and operational integration of Liberbank into Unicaja Banco, in execution since last Friday and whose work will continue during the following hours today, Sunday, is progressing
  • This progress allows Liberbank customers to operate through Unicaja Banco's digital banking system as of today, Sunday, ahead of schedule, and reestablishes Bizum transactions and immediate transfers
  • Unicaja Banco customers are not affected by this process



The process of technological and operational integration of Liberbank into Unicaja Banco, in execution since 15:00 last Friday and whose work will continue during the following hours today, Sunday, is progressing.


This progress allows Liberbank customers to operate as usual as of today, Sunday, ahead of schedule, through Unicaja Banco’s digital banking. To do so, customers must log in on Unicaja Banco’s website (www.unicajabanco.es) or download Unicaja Banco’s mobile digital banking app. In both cases, the same access codes as before are to be used.


The technological migration work, which is being carried out at a good pace and with the least possible disruption to the service, has also enabled the reestablishment of Bizum transactions and immediate transfers.


Unicaja Banco customers are not affected by this process.


Security and information to customers


The integration is be carried out with maximum security, protecting the data and positions of Liberbank customers, as one of the main objectives is to avoid any impact on customers, who will not have to make any special arrangements to adapt their products to the new platform.


Customers from Liberbank have the necessary information about the process, previously provided by Unicaja Banco, through the usual channels and supplemented by mechanisms such as answers to frequently asked questions about functionalities and services, as well as advice on cybersecurity.



*Further information on the integration of Unicaja Banco and Liberbank: https://www.unicajabanco.es/es/integracion#faqs


And on https://www.unicajabanco.es

  • Institucional

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