
Unicaja Banco promotes at Fenavin the wine sector as an economic driver of Castilla-La Mancha

The bank sponsors the round table 'Vino, salud y juventud' ('Wine, health and youth')

10 MAY 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has taken part in the opening today of the Spanish Wine Fair (Feria Nacional del Vino, Fenavin), which will take place until Thursday in Ciudad Real. This is yet another example of the bank’s commitment and support to the wine sector as an economic driver of Castilla-La Mancha. The initiatives in which it participates include the round table 'Vino, salud y juventud' ('Wine, health and youth'), organized together with the Ciudad Real Wine Club Association.


This roundtable sponsored by Unicaja Banco has had the participation of health professionals, representatives from the wine sector and winemakers, who have discussed the benefits of wine and its moderate consumption, especially among the youth.


The head of the Ciudad Real Wine Club Association, Fátima de la Flor, has been the moderator of the roundtable, in which the following have participated: Dr. José Manuel Flores, Neurology specialist at Ciudad Real University Hospital; Patricia Muñoz de Cuerva, deputy manager of Bodegas Naranjo, and Rocío Granado, winemaker at Vinícola de Tomelloso.


Unicaja Banco’s Head of Business Banking in Western Ciudad Real, Pedro Bachiller, has presented the event, remarking ‘the bank’s support to the wine industry as one of the main drivers of development in Ciudad Real and Castilla-La Mancha, providing the material resources and a highly specialized staff that analyzes the needs, finds solutions and promotes business opportunities’.


Unicaja Banco contributes to the development of the wine sector, especially in Castilla-La Mancha, where the bank is a reference and has strong roots. For this reason, its stand at Fenavin will host a total of nine wineries from this region, brands that, through the support provided by the bank, compete together to publicize their product. This is another example of the support given by the bank to the wine industry and its main fair, with which it collaborates since its first edition.


Nine wineres


The wineries at the bank’s stand are: Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya (Argamasilla de Alba, Ciudad Real), Antares (Iniesta, Cuenca), San Antonio de Padua (Iniesta, Cuenca), Los Gredales de El Toboso (El Toboso, Toledo), Hermanos Torres (Madrigueras, Albacete), Cerro Mayoral (Villafranca de los Caballeros, Toledo), San José (Tomelloso, Ciudad Real), Bodegas Isla (Villarta de San Juan, Ciudad Real), La Humildad Sociedad Cooperativa de Castilla-La Mancha (El Toboso, Toledo).

Furthermore, Unicaja Banco sponsors, within the program of activities of Fenavin, the block ‘Catas y Armonías’ (‘Tastings and Harmonies’), which will be held in the Custodio Zamarra Hall, as well as the Fenavin Winemaking Photography Awards, which will be presented on 12 May at 13:00.


With its presence and activities at Fenavin, Unicaja Banco shows its commitment and support to the Spanish Wine Faire as an activity that benefits the society, generates value and acts as a boost for the companies in the region.


Organized by the Provincial Council, Fenavin, whose inauguration was attended by King Felipe VI, is the most important fair of the sector in Spain and has also established itself as a reference event at the international level.

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  • Institucional

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