
Unicaja Banco completes the technological and operational integration with Liberbank

With the technological integration, the merger process of Unicaja Banco and Liberbank has been completed in less than a year, allowing Unicaja Banco to have a more powerful and efficient unified platform, with greater capabilities and security standards

24 MAY 2022

5 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has completed the technological and operational integration of Liberbank into Unicaja Banco, as planned. The works, developed during this past weekend, have allowed the full integration from a technological, commercial and operational point of view, resulting in a more powerful and efficient unified technological platform, with greater capabilities and higher security and quality standards in all Unicaja Banco’s centers and service channels.


This way, the merger process between Unicaja Banco and Liberbank, materialised on 30 July last year, has been completed in less than a year, generating synergies, creating value for customers and shareholders, and strengthening its commercial and digital transformation strategy.


Thus, after the technological migration, Liberbank customers can now operate through all Unicaja Banco’s channels, as planned.


Liberbank digital banking via web has been automatically redirected to Unicaja Banco’s website (, and customers can access it through this channel or by downloading Unicaja Banco’s digital banking mobile app, with the same access keys that they were using.


Bizum transactions and immediate transfers have already been restored, and both the network of ATMs and PoSTs for purchases in shops and online are working normally, and the updated balances and movements can be checked


Customers from Unicaja Banco have not been affected by this process.


A preparation of more than 700,000 hours and training plan for 2,300 employees


The preparation of the process of technological integration has involved more than 700,000 hours of work during eight months by a team of more than 500 people. The migration of more than 200 million digitized documents of 1.8 million Liberbank customers has been carried out. The volume of transferred information has been 100 TB. The process has also involved the integration of 575 branches, 1,249 ATMs and 2,700 mobile devices (Smart PCs, tablets and mobile phones) from Liberbank.


In addition, the technological integration has involved the development of an in-person and online training program for the staff from Liberbank, with an average of 148 hours, developed by 176 training groups and aimed at 2,300 employees.


Security and information to customers       


The IT and operational integration works began last Friday 20, at 3:00 p.m., continued over the weekend and were completed as planned.


Upon completion of the integration of the systems, the bank operates fully as a single bank under a single distribution platform, which allows for the unification of systems to access a homogeneous and reinforced catalogue of products and services, as well as to the service and functionalities of all distribution channels, such as branches, ATMs, digital banking (web and mobile app) or telephone banking, among others.


The integration has been carried out with maximum security, protecting the data and positions of Liberbank customers. One of its main objectives is to avoid any impact on customers, who will not have to make any special arrangements to adapt their products to the new platform.


Customers from Liberbank have received the necessary information about the process, provided in advance by Unicaja Banco, through the usual channels and supplemented by mechanisms such as answers to frequently asked questions about functionalities and services, as well as advice on cybersecurity. In this line, in addition to the above mentioned, the following should be highlighted:

  • The integration will not require a change in Liberbank cards or in their numbering or PIN. They can continue to be used until their expiry date, being automatically renewed with the Unicaja Banco image.
  • The products subscribed with Liberbank will automatically change their assigned numbering, without the customer having to take any additional action, including direct debits, which will continue to work as before.
  • In the case of payment of pensions to Liberbank customers, the amount will continue to be paid in advance, as it was made, free of charge up to three working days before the official payment by the Social Security. Although the customer will not see the pension payment in the account until the last working day of the month, he/she will be able to make free cash withdrawals at ATMs and branches, card payments, charge loan installments and transfers, as well as pay direct debit bills up to the total amount of the pension.


Unicaja Banco is a leading entity in six Autonomous Communities, where it maintains its values of proximity and commitment to the region under a model of proximity banking and sustainable business, with more than 1,200 branches, more than 2,600 ATMs, and more than 4 million customers. In fact, it is present in 80% of the national territory, maintaining its status as a leading entity in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura, in addition to being present in other markets such as Madrid, Ceuta and Melilla, where it maintains a traditional presence.



*Further information:

  • Institucional

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