
Unicaja Banco is committed to energy efficiency and facilitates renovations in residential buildings through Next Generation funds

The bank will organize an information day on 6 July in Malaga to explain the details of this aid program

04 JUL 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco is committed to renewable energies and energy efficiency and, to this end, facilitates, among other measures, the energy renovation of residential buildings and houses through the Next Generation European funds. In this line, in order to explain the details of this aid program, the bank will organize an information day on Wednesday 6 July in Malaga.


This information day, with the title 'La oportunidad irrepetible de rehabilitar el parque residencial' ('The unrepeatable opportunity to renovate the housing stock'), will take place from 11.00 am in the auditorium of the headquarters of Unicaja Banco, in Avenida de Andalucía, 10-12, and will be aimed at agents related to the field of rehabilitation (property managers, architects, construction engineers, etc.).


The goal is to provide all the details about the Next Generation funds and the residential rehabilitation aid program, as well as to solve any queries on the improvement of the energy efficiency of residential buildings or the implementation of renewable energy sources for common use.


Unicaja Banco, together with the rehabilitation agent Agentia R+, offers to communities of property owners, among other issues, a turnkey service for the energy renovation of buildings, which covers the entire process, from the initial analysis to the management of aids and the funding of the works. 


In fact, the rehabilitation agent Agentia R+, established by the appraisal company Tinsa and the project management services company Acerta, provides a comprehensive service, which includes both the initial feasibility analysis for energy renovation and the management and application for aids from European funds, the control and design of the corresponding projects and the execution of the work.


With regard to the rehabilitation of buildings, the overall goal of the actions is to reduce the consumption of non-renewable primary energy in homes by at least 30% and to decarbonize and reduce the demand for heating and cooling by at least 7%.


Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan


The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP), the mechanism that channels aid from the Next Generation EU funds in Spain, is supported by 69,528 million euros, distributed among 30 components. Number 2 ('Plan de rehabilitación de vivienda y regeneración urbana', Plan for the renovation of housing and urban regeneration) has received 6,820 million, and it includes the 'Programa de Rehabilitación para la Recuperación Económica y Social en Entornos Residenciales', which represents nearly 5% of the total, with 3,420 million.


In general, Unicaja Banco is working to facilitate the attraction and channeling of Next Generation funds, approved by the European Commission, and thus provide support for projects mainly in the fields of energy efficiency, innovation, digitalization and industrialization.

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