
Unicaja Banco joins the alliance ‘Extremadura es futuro’ with the goal of promoting sustainable economy

The bank will collaborate in the Sustainable Economy Observatory with the aim of promoting knowledge of finance applied to sustainability

11 JUL 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has joined ‘Extremadura es futuro’ (‘Extremadura is future’), a public-private collaboration alliance, fostered by the Social Council of the University of Extremadura (UEx), whose goal is promoting opportunities that boost the region's economic and social development and growth. In this context, the bank will collaborate mainly in programs to promote sustainable economy.


Unicaja Banco’s Head of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), José María López, during the signing event held at the Rectorado of the UEx in Cáceres, highlighted the decisive link between business and university, as well as recalling that Extremadura has been a traditional strategic territory for Unicaja Banco. He also emphasized the importance of sustainability, ‘being aware of the society's demand for the business sector to also address environmental and social issues’.


Antonio Huertas, president of the UEx Social Council, pointed out that ‘the Council thanks these new incorporations of companies and institutions that share our commitment to Extremadura. The Alliance is underway, with more than 100 entities that are promoting it, and with this, the generation of opportunities for Extremadura talent has already begun. This will support the growth of the region’s economy’.


After joining this alliance, Unicaja Banco will participate in the Sustainable Economy Observatory, a meeting point between the academic world, the financial sector and the business world, to develop actions and solutions towards a sustainable development model in Extremadura. The first of the actions will be the creation of a Sustainable Finance Forum, coordinated by UEx, to promote research and knowledge transfer in finance applied to social care and sustainability.


As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, one of Unicaja Banco’s main objectives is to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the regions where it operates and, in short, to promote and foster sustainable development.


‘Extremadura es futuro’


‘Extremadura es futuro’ is a public-private collaboration alliance fostered by the Social Council of the University of Extremadura (UEx) to mobilize the whole society, especially young people, promoting opportunities that highlight the enormous potential of the region and recognizing the important social role played by the University.


This is a framework agreement that has been joined by various institutions and companies with representation in Extremadura and has the institutional support of the Government of Extremadura, Provincial Councils, the Extremadura Federation of municipalities and provinces, business associations, trade unions and student representatives, within the Social Council itself, of which they are part.


All the information about the Alliance is available on www.extremaduraesfuturo.es.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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