
Unicaja Banco accompanies SMEs and the self-employed in their technological transformation through the Digital Kit

The entity reaches a collaboration agreement with the digitalizing agent QDQ Media, which provides a comprehensive service to each applicant

03 AUG 2022

4 Min reading

Unicaja Banco offers small companies, micro-enterprises and freelancers the possibility of carrying out the necessary procedures to apply for aids from the Kit Digital program, promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and funded by the European Union through the Next Generation EU funds. The aim is to support companies in the transition to digital transformation and, to this end, the financial institution has reached an agreement with QDQ Media to help its customers take advantage of this opportunity.


Under this collaboration, the digitalizing agent QDQ Media SAU offers, in any of the program calls, a comprehensive service for obtaining and using the Kit Digital aids to customers who register in the contact form available on the web page


The beneficiaries of the digital voucher who register on this website will only have to assume the payment of VAT for the digitalization services, provided that they partially or totally consume the digital voucher through QDQ Media.


The bank wants to pay special attention to SMEs and the self-employed that can benefit from the Kit Digital aids, thus contributing to improving their competitiveness and their level of digital maturity and, in general, to the modernization of the business fabric.


Unicaja Banco’s support is part of its commitment to respond to the needs of companies, especially SMEs and entrepreneurs, within its usual strategy of collaboration and financing, thus contributing to boosting the growth of business activity in its main areas of operation.


To this end, Unicaja Banco offers potential beneficiaries of the digital voucher, in addition to the turnkey service through QDQ Media, a series of specific products and services, designed to enable the successful completion of their digital projects.


The said specific offering includes loans to finance VAT or other expenses not covered by subsidies, cyber-insurance, virtual POS and other services related to the digitalization of their businesses.


Kit Digital


The Kit Digital, whose first call was launched last March, consists of three tranches: the first is aimed at companies with a workforce of 10 to 49 workers, and the amount of the aid or digital voucher is 12,000 euros. The second tranche, whose call has been published in the Official State Gazette of Tuesday 2 August, with the deadline for submitting applications beginning on 2 September, is for SMEs with three to nine employees and offers a voucher of 6,000 euros; and, finally, tranche three is scheduled for the fourth quarter of the year, addressed at micro-companies and freelancers the self-employed with one to two workers and for which 2,000 euros have been established.


The Kit Digital grants are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, which is why Unicaja Banco stresses the importance of recipients registering their interest as soon as possible, even before the opening of the different calls for applications, through its partner QDQ Media. The latter will be in charge of contacting clients again once the aids are available, thus ensuring the processing of applications from the very first moment.


With the digital voucher, companies can acquire digitalization solutions for key areas such as website and basic Internet presence; social network management; e-commerce; customer management; virtual office services and tools; business intelligence and analytics; process management; electronic invoicing; secure communications; and cybersecurity.


In addition, since 29 July 29, two more digitalization solutions have been included: advanced Internet presence and marketplace. This brings the portfolio to a total of 12 categories.


The Kit Digital aid scheme is endowed in Spain with 3,067 million euros and aims to advance the digitalization of SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed. This economic amount is part of the Next Generation EU Funds, distributed in Spain by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and activated for the period 2022-2023.

  • Productos y servicios

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