
Unicaja Banco reaffirms its commitment to the fight against breast cancer

The bank supports 'Las Vikingas Rosas' rowing team in the acquisition of a new competition boat

19 OCT 2022

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco reaffirms its support to the fight against breast cancer, within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) exercise and its commitment to develop actions, within its scope, aimed at raising awareness of the need for prevention and research as fundamental measures to combat this disease.


Specifically, coinciding with the celebration this Wednesday of the International Day Against Breast Cancer, the bank has signed a collaboration agreement with the women's rowing team ‘Vikingas Rosas’ (Pink Vikings) of the Malaga club La Cala del Moral, made up of women suffering from this disease. The objective is to support the development of their activity and provide them with the necessary material so that they have greater autonomy in the practice of this sport, thus contributing to their recovery process.


Thus, the bank offers economic support to this team of rowers for the acquisition of a new competition boat, which will bear the image of Unicaja Banco. It is a Mediterranean 'llaüt', a fixed-seat boat, which, in addition to giving this group greater independence in this sport and improving their conditions for training and competing, will allow them to continue developing an activity that benefits them, both physically and psychologically, during the process of recovery from the disease.


Unicaja Banco’s support responds, within its CSR exercise, to its interest in promoting sports activities as another tool for inclusion, especially for women in situations of social vulnerability, and to promote diversity and gender equality in sports, as well as its commitment to support actions to raise awareness of the need for prevention and research as fundamental measures to combat breast cancer.


As part of this agreement, in addition to supporting this group of rowers by providing them with the necessary equipment to practice this sport on a regular basis, the bank will also be present in the uniform of all the teams of Club de Remo La Cala del Moral during the next season.



‘Pink Vikings’, an example of overcoming


Since its foundation in 2002, Club de Remo La Cala del Moral, in the Malaga town of Rincón de la Victoria, has been one of the main referents of this sport in the province, with an outstanding presence in all the regattas of the jábega boat league that take place on the coast of Malaga.


Currently, the club is made up of eight teams (two in the veterans’ category, two in senior, two in women’s and two in youth), which have obtained important classifications in different competitions, which has earned them the nickname of ‘Vikings’. They also have a children’s team and a large group of social rowing beginners.


It was in 2021 when the ‘Pink Vikings’ team was born, made up of women suffering from breast cancer, with the aim of promoting this sporting activity as another tool to help them cope with the disease and support them in their recovery process. Since then, this group has participated in different competitions and sports days throughout Andalusia in the fixed-seat rowing modality.


In addition to collaborating in different sporting and solidarity events, Club de Remo La Cala del Moral also organizes, among other events, the regattas of both this town and Rincón de la Victoria (within the Malaga League of Jábega boats), as well as competitions in the Fixed-Seat category of the Andalusian Rowing Federation.


  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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