
Financial inclusion, central theme of Unicaja’s 5th Edufinet Congress

Almost 50 experts will participate in Málaga from 16 to 18 November

14 NOV 2022

4 Min reading

The 5th Financial Education Congress organized by Unicaja’s Edufinet Project will address, from Monday 16 November until Friday 18, the importance of promoting financial inclusion, especially in an environment in ongoing transformation and marked by digitalization. To this end, almost 50 experts from different disciplines will participate.


This new edition, with the title ‘The challenge of ensuring financial inclusion in a changing environment’ and sponsored by Funcas Educa, will be held at the Centro Cultural Fundación Unicaja de Málaga (Palacio Episcopal) and will be streamed online through the Edufinet Congress website, where attendees can also register for free.


The congress is aimed at academics, professionals and representatives of public and private institutions, although it is open to the general public. Specifically, during 13 sessions and through six round tables, participants will highlight the need for everyone to have access to quality financial products and services, without forgetting the current technological development.


Financial education can be a strategic tool in facilitating inclusion, as a better understanding of financial concepts and products will enable citizens to be more aware of risks and opportunities and, in short, to make informed decisions.


Speakers and topics


Regarding the speakers, the congress will include representatives from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National Securities Market Commission, CNMV), CECA, Funcas, Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros (IEAF), Analistas Económicos de Andalucía, Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency, AEPD), Academia de Ciencias Sociales y del Medio Ambiente de Andalucía, Fundación Caja Extremadura, Asociación Asperger de Madrid, Cruz Roja de Extremadura, Locos de Wall Street, SECOT, European Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Instituto Santalucía, Club Unicaja Baloncesto, Atletismo Jaén or Malaga Smart City Cluster.


There will also be speakers from universities such as those of Malaga, Granada, Huelva or Seville, UNED or Complutense and Autonóma de Madrid, as well as from associations from different fields.


The congress will address issues such as the challenges and trends in the field of financial education, as well as its use as a means to prevent social exclusion. Along these lines, there will also be discussions on access to financial services by the elderly, or financial education in the world of sports, as well as the importance of sustainable finance.


Financial consumer protection; inflation and its impact on economic and financial decision-making; specific products such as pension plans, or financial education and its relationship with taxation, investment, entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence or cryptocurrencies, will be other issues to be analyzed.


In general, Edufinet’s objective with the organization of this congress is to continue to serve as a meeting point for the different agents involved or interested in financial education; to analyze the current situation in order to identify trends and points of interest, and to share knowledge and experiences.


Likewise, it seeks to identify the main challenges currently posed by financial and digital education in relation to improving the culture in this area from a general perspective, but also with vulnerable groups in mind.


17 years of history


With 17 years of experience, the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, currently has the support of more than twenty universities, institutions and business organizations.


Since the beginning of its work, more than 240,000 people have participated in the different seminars, workshops, courses and conferences it has organized. Likewise, the Edufinet Project’s web pages have so far registered more than 14 million visits, with accesses from almost 180 countries.



Programme of Edufinet's 5th Financial Education Congress

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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