
Unicaja Banco collaborates with the celebration of the Espada Toledana Cross and Race Walking

Both competitions are included in the official calendars of the RFEA and FACLM

04 NOV 2022

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco collaborates one more year with the Espada Toledana, which includes the 34th Race Walking and the 43rd National Cross, which will be held in Toledo on 5 and 6 November.


The race walking (also called Gran Premio AEMA) will take place on Saturday from 16.30, and it will feature a street circuit approved by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA), located on Avenida de la Reconquista Avenue and Calle Ecuador.


The National Cross race will take place on Sunday, 6 November, from 9.30, at Parque de Safont.


Organized by Unicaja Banco Club de Atletismo Toledo, both races are included in the official calendars of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA) and of the Castilla-La Mancha Athletics Federation (FACLM).


Renowned athletes


Some participants in the Race Walking include Raquel González, Lidia García, Ainoa Pinedo, María Moya, Diego García, Perseus Karlstrom, Manuel Bermúdez, Álvaro López or Marc Tur.


The Cross race will have the participation of athletes such as Hussan Benabub, Víctor Ruiz, Jorge González, Abderramán Aferdi, Sergio Jiménez, María Ureña and Teresa Herráez.


As is tradition, the first classified will receive, as a trophy, swords made in Toledo, mostly replicas of El Cid Campeador’s Tizona.

  • Institucional

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