
Unicaja Banco and the Association of Property Managers of Asturias enter into an agreement to develop an improved process for the management of communities of property owners

The agreement is aimed at the more than 5,000 communities of property owners in Principado de Asturias

21 MAR 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and the Association of Property Managers (Colegio de Administradores de Fincas) of Principado de Asturias have signed a collaboration agreement to simplify and improve the procedure and management of the relations between communities of property owners and property managers with the financial institution. The agreement will enable more than 5,000 communities of property owners in Asturias to benefit from the advantages of the operational procedure.


The agreement has been signed by the Regional Manager for Central Asturias of Unicaja Banco, Marcos González Cadenas, and by the President of the Association of Property Managers of Principado de Asturias, Anselmo Gómez Cortina.


The agreement is the result of several years of joint collaboration. During this period, management processes have been improved, as well as the economic and financial aspects of the complex process of administration of communities of property owners carried out by property managers.


Unified operational procedure


The purpose of the agreement is to establish and implement a unified operational procedure to regulate the professional and commercial relations between Unicaja Banco as a financial institution, the managers belonging to the Association of Property Managers of Principado de Asturias and the communities of property owners, clients of the institution, which have among their appointed members a manager member of the association.


This agreement is the result of Unicaja Banco’s strategy to focus on professional groups, freelancers and SMEs, which have a Business and Entrepreneurs Area dedicated to the attention and management of these groups.


The Colegio de Administradores de Fincas del Principado de Asturias brings together more than 350 professional members, with accredited education and training in the different areas of management of communities of property owners, which include economic-accounting and advisory tasks, secretarial work, and the management and conservation of real estate assets.


  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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