
Unicaja Banco’s Real Madrid Card: fee-free for new customers when signing up online

The institution presents a new design for young people, inspired by the captain’s armband, and another one with the La Décima anthem

17 MAY 2023

2 Min reading

The Real Madrid debit card will be 100% fee-free, with no issuance or maintenance fees, when subscribed online*. Unicaja Banco, the Club’s official bank, also adds two new designs to its Real Madrid Card catalog, launching a new model for young people, inspired by the captain's armband, and another one with the La Décima anthem.


Thus, new customers who sign up online for the Real Madrid debit card until 31 December, on the bank’s website, will be able to choose from a total of eight designs, all of them without issuance or maintenance fees.


In addition, holders of Real Madrid Card can access Unicaja Banco’s sweepstakes platform and win tickets to Real Madrid’s home matches, as well as visits to the Bernabéu Tour.


This is a card with contactless technology, which allows users to make purchases at any store, as well as use it on their cell phone, in addition to a number of other benefits, such as having an alternative and safer means of payment than cash, having total control of the card from the Digital Banking or the cell phone, as well as enjoying discounts in multiple brands, thanks to the EURO 6000 privileges.


Real Madrid Card presentation party for young people


On the occasion of the launch of the new Real Madrid Debit Card for young people, Unicaja Banco will hold a presentation party at the Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid.


The first one hundred new customers between 18 and 27 years old who sign up for any of the Real Madrid Debit Card models will receive a double invitation to attend this party, which will be held during the month of June at Valdebebas.





*No issuance or maintenance fee for new customers who sign up for the Real Madrid debit card at www.realmadrid.unicajabanco.es. before 31 December 2023. See promotional terms and conditions at www.unicajabanco.es.

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