
Unicaja Banco joins the celebration of the Cantabria-Ciudad de Santander 100 km

The race will take place on 10 June and there are already a hundred registered participants

24 MAY 2023

2 Min reading

Santander will become one more year the capital of the Spanish ultra-distance. On 10 June the city will host one of the most important sporting events held during the year in Cantabria: the Cantabria-Ciudad de Santander 100 km run, which is sponsored by Unicaja Banco.


The race, which has been presented this Wednesday at the City Hall of Santander, with the presence, among others, of the Unicaja Banco’s Regional Director for East Cantabria, Carlos Gallego Fernández, is organized by the CDB Atletismo Ultrafondo Cantabria and this year celebrates its 43rd edition.


The support of several entities to this race, such as Unicaja Banco, has allowed the celebration of this ultra-distance race one more year.


The race is supported by public and private entities and will be held in La Vaguada de las Llamas, an urban park that extends to the Palacio de los Deportes and El Sardinero, with a five-kilometer circuit, with 20 laps for the 100 km and 10 laps for the 50 km.


This year, the official 50 km road race will also be organized. This the sixth edition of an initiation race for marathon athletes, so that, in a reasonable time, they can make the leap to the 100 km.


One hundred registered participants


As for participation, there are already a hundred registered runners to compete in this new edition of the 100/50 km race.


Likewise, the 100 km Committee will once again present the Sports-Human Values Award (Memorial Federico Marlasca Aja), which on this occasion will go to former athletes Ramón Álvarez, José Manuel Domínguez and Juan Manuel Díaz, who have completed the race several times and who are an example, collaborating every year in its organization.

  • Institucional

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