Torneo Golf Solidario 1

Unicaja Banco and the Association of Former Real Madrid Football Players present the 9th Charity Golf Tournament

This event will be held on 21 June at the National Golf Centre in Madrid, and the proceeds will go towards social projects

09 JUN 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco sponsors, one more year, the 9th Charity Golf Tournament, organized by the Association of Former Real Madrid Football Players and which will be held on 21 June at the National Golf Centre in Madrid.


The presentation of the Charity Golf Tournament has been held today, at Unicaja Banco’s hub in Madrid, and has been attended by Ana Echenique, Unicaja Banco’s Head of Cabinet; Real Madrid’s Head of Institutional Relations, Emilio Butragueño and by the President of the Association of Former Real Madrid Football Players, José Martínez ‘Pirri’.


Also in attendance were some Real Madrid legends which are part of the Club’s history, such as José Antonio Camacho, Vice-President of the Association of Former Real Madrid Football Players; Isidoro San José, General Manager, or Rafael Martín Vázquez, as well as the President of the Association of Spanish Football Players (AFE), David Aganzo.


Commitment to sport and its values


The charity golf tournament will bring together teams of four players from companies and SMEs and the proceeds will go towards different social projects.


Unicaja Banco is Real Madrid’s official bank since last season. With the support to this initiative, the bank reflects its commitment to sport and to the promotion of sport practice and values, within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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