
The Board of Directors of Unicaja Banco appoints Isidro Rubiales as Executive Director to replace Manuel Menéndez

With this appointment, which will be effective once the corresponding regulatory authorizations have been obtained, the company enters a new phase

31 JUL 2023

3 Min reading

The Board of Directors of Unicaja Banco has approved today the appointment of Isidro Rubiales, until now Director General Attached to the Chairman of Unicaja Banco, as Executive Director of the Company to replace Manuel Menéndez.


The appointment will be effective when the corresponding regulatory authorizations are obtained, at which time the agreed departure of the current Chief Executive Officer (Consejero Delegado) will take effect, as foreseen and communicated to the market. Likewise, the appointment, when effective, will allow the execution of the entity’s new governance model.


Isidro Rubiales has extensive experience in management positions at Unicaja Banco, in key areas such as Strategy and Relations with Supervisors, which gives him a broad strategic vision in business management and a deep knowledge of the organizational structure, operation and evolution of the bank, essential to face the new scenarios and challenges of the financial sector.


The Board of Directors has considered and valued the professional profile of Isidro Rubiales, as well as his extensive experience in key areas of the bank’s management and his ability to respond to the challenges it faces after the transitional period following the merger by absorption of Liberbank. Among them is that of boosting and giving continuity to its Strategic Plan - focused on boosting profitable and sustainable business growth, developing digital capabilities- which aims to (i) maintain Unicaja Banco as a benchmark institution in its regions of origin and one of the leading financial institutions in the country and (ii) continue its trajectory of financial soundness and links with the regions in which it operates.


The Board has thanked Manuel Menéndez -who will remain on this body until Isidro Rubiales joins it, once the corresponding regulatory authorizations have been obtained- for his dedication and services rendered.





Born in 1964 in Cortes de la Frontera (Malaga), Isidro Rubiales holds a degree in Economics and Business Science from the University of Malaga, specializing in Public Finance.


He has more than 30 years of experience in the financial sector, having developed his professional career in Unicaja Banco, in senior management positions with very diverse responsibilities in relevant areas of the Company: Head of Accounting, Head of the Control Division, Director General of Control, Strategy and Relations with Supervisors and, in his last stage, Director General Attached to the President for Control and Relations with Supervisors.


Isidro Rubiales has also played a relevant role in the different integration processes carried out by Unicaja Banco (Banco Ceiss and Liberbank). In addition, he has been a director of different companies of Grupo Unicaja Banco in different sectors.

  • Institucional

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