
Unicaja Banco kicks off a new season as Real Madrid's official bank with the slogan ‘Contigo siempre jugamos en casa’

Holders of Real Madrid Card will be able to participate in draws to attend matches of the Club’s three sections and the Tour Bernabéu

04 AUG 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco celebrates a new season as Real Madrid’s official bank and does so with the slogan ‘We always play at home with you’ (Contigo siempre jugamos en casa). Thus, in this 2023-2024 season that has just begun, the bank and the Club will continue to work to provide advantages and experiences so that Real Madrid customers can feel closer to the team.


The bank will once again make a prize-draw platform available to all customers who have subscribed the Real Madrid Card, both in credit and debit mode. 


This platform will give access, through e-mails addressed to these customers, to prize-draws for tickets to attend football matches, both for the first team and the women’s team, as well as basketball games, that Real Madrid plays at home, and visits to the Tour Bernabéu. Customers will be able to sign up for all those draws that may be of interest to them.


Besides, as in recent seasons, over the coming months Unicaja Banco customers will also have the opportunity to meet team legends, play at the Ciudad Deportiva Real Madrid or have access to exclusive spaces in the Club's facilities.



Fee free


The Real Madrid debit card is available 100% free of fees, with no issuance or maintenance fees, if subscribed online*. Unicaja Banco has recently added two new designs to its Real Madrid Card catalog, with a new model for young people, inspired by the captain’s armband, and another with the La Décima anthem as the protagonist.


Thus, new customers who sign up online for the Real Madrid debit card until 31 December 31, through the bank’s website, will be able to choose among several models, designed for the team’s fans, all of them free of fees, with no issuance or maintenance fees.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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