Salamaq-2023-unicaja banco-inauguracion-expositor

Unicaja Banco participates in Salamaq with a stand open to the demands of farmers

The bank is a reference for the farming and agri-food industry in Salamanca and the whole of Castilla y León

01 SEP 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco, the leading bank for agriculture in Salamanca and Castilla y Leon, will be present with a stand at Salamaq’23, the farming trade fair that will take place from Friday 5 September at Salamanca exhibition centre.


With the support to Salamaq -whose 34th edition has been inaugurated today with the attendance of the acting Minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Food, Luis Planas, and the President of Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, among other authorities-, Unicaja Banco shows its continuous support to the farming, livestock breeding and agri-food sector in this region.


At its stand, experts from the bank will give tailored advice to the visitors, explaining the wide range of financial products and services especially designed for professionals of this industry and will listen to the real needs and concerns of the sector.


Unicaja Banco maintains its support to Salamanca agricultural entrepreneurs, as agents contributing to reinforce the economic fabric, to the stabilization of population and to the social development of rural areas.


In this line, the bank maintains its commitment to Salamaq’23, to which it has been linked since its first edition. Unicaja Banco continues supporting this initiative, one of the most relevant in its area at a national and European level.


Unicaja Banco’s commitment to Castilla y León is reflected in the boost to measures such as the campaign for the management of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023. With this campaign, the bank offers the possibility of receiving the advance payment of subsidies with loans under favourable conditions, as well as advice and the customized processing and management of application dossiers.


            Likewise, the bank puts at the disposal of farming professionals a wide range of specialized products and services and with advantageous conditions, which is possible thanks to the agreements that it has with the main agricultural cooperatives and organizations. 

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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