
Unicaja Banco launches a new 100% digital service to facilitate the transfer of accounts to the bank

This new service allows users to select in just a few steps what actions they want the bank to carry out on their behalf

09 AUG 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco, as part of its commitment to digital transformation, has launched a new fully digital service to make it easier for customers to bring to Unicaja Banco any account they may have at another bank, free of charge and in a simple, fast and secure manner.


This new service is available from Unicaja Banco’s Digital Banking, both through the website and the Unicaja Móvil App, and allows users to select in a few steps what actions they want the bank to carry out on their behalf: cancel an account at another bank and transfer the remaining balance to their account at Unicaja Banco, as well as process the request to change directly debited bills, periodic payments and the portability of standing orders that have been set up.


Additionally, with this new service, the user can follow the evolution of the transfer at all times, receiving notifications and alerts on his or her cell phone as the portability is completed.


Likewise, they will be able to sign all required documents and procedures digitally. In this way, it is not necessary to go to the branch in person, thus avoiding paperwork and travel.


The new digital account transfer service is fully compatible with the service offered at Unicaja Banco branches, thus extending the possibility of carrying out transactions both in person and fully digitally.

  • Productos y servicios

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