
The 4th Padel Charity Tour of the Real Madrid Foundation by Unicaja Banco arrives in Las Rozas

The proceeds from the tournament will go to the social and sports projects of the Real Madrid Foundation

06 SEP 2023

2 Min reading

Las Rozas (Madrid) will host form 14 to 17 September the 4th Padel Charity Tour Circuit of the Real Madrid Foundation, with Unicaja Banco as official sponsor. After the presentation in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) and the events in Toledo, Córdoba, Roquetas de Mar (Almería), Fuengirola (Malaga) and La Nucía (Alicante), the Club Duin Sports Las Rozas will host the sixth of the eight amateur tournaments that make up this national circuit, whose benefits go to the social and sports projects of the Real Madrid Foundation.


For the third consecutive year, Las Rozas will be one of the venues that celebrates this solidarity Padel ‘tour’ of the Real Madrid Foundation by Unicaja Banco, thanks to the support of the Community of Madrid and the City Hall of Las Rozas, which are committed to padel and solidarity.


The Padel Charity Tour Circuit of the Real Madrid Foundation by Unicaja Banco is defined by its ‘3 S’: Solidarity (all proceeds will go one more year to social projects of the Real Madrid Foundation), Sustainability (in each tournament the recycling of glass and plastic is encouraged, and the balls used will be donated afterwards), and Saludable -healthy- (by giving the winners boxes of seasonal vegetables and fruits).




Registration  for the tournament is open to all amateur players, with or without a federation license. There will be eight categories: men’s 1, 2 and 3; women’s 1, 2 and 3; and mixed A and B.


Other tournaments


The tour’s next destinations will be Santander (20-23 September) and finally Marbella-Malaga (20-22 October), which will host the circuit’s final. Thus, with a national scope, all fans have the opportunity to participate and win the charity tour.


This tour has the support of Unicaja Banco as official sponsor, Diputación de Almería, Costa del Almería, Adidas Pádel, Padel Nuestro, Carmencita, Cantabria Labs, Ecovidrio and Comunidad de Madrid, and is organized by Metódika Eventos.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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