
Unicaja Banco and CEL collaborate in the promotion and business exchange in Leon

The agreement strengthens the existing relationship between both institutions and seeks the participation of SMEs and freelancers

13 SEP 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Círculo Empresarial Leonés (CEL) have renewed their collaboration to continue promoting business activity in the province of Leon through the organization of conferences and networking events.


This collaboration agreement has been signed on Wednesday by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager in León, Marga Serna, and by the President of CEL, Julio César Álvarez.


In general, the renewal of the agreements comes to strengthen the existing relationship between both institutions, aimed at reaching the common goals of favouring the business fabric, facilitating the economic boost and supporting employment in Leon and its province.


The goal is to boost the development of the province and to promote the activity and business exchange, with special focus on the participation of SMEs and freelancers.


Companies in general, and SMEs in particular, continue to be one of the key groups in Unicaja Banco’s financing policy, especially in Castilla y León and, more specifically, in the province of Leon. One of Unicaja Banco’s business priorities is providing financing to companies, which is a key factor for the revitalization of the economy and job creation.


Círculo Empresarial Leonés CEL), established in May 1999, is a provincial multi-sectoral business association, not-for-profit and free and independent.


Its main goal is the defense and promotion of the economic, social and professional interests of its members, contributing to boost the development of the Leon province within the market economy.


  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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