
Unicaja Banco collaborates with the Gijon Chamber of Commerce in the digital training of young people

This action is part of the agreement recently signed between the two institutions, which includes other training initiatives

16 OCT 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco collaborates with the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Gijón to, through the Emprende Joven Digital Program, help young people to become entrepreneurs in the digital sector by acquiring the necessary skills.


The presentation of diplomas to the participants in the Emprende Joven Digital Program was attended, on behalf of Unicaja Banco, by the Head of Businesses in Asturias, Pablo Castellano, and, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, by the Hed of Programs and Business Services, Ignacio Martín.


This initiative falls within the agreement recently signed between the two institutions, which aims to facilitate the activity of companies in Gijón, and it also reflects Unicaja Banco’s interest in contributing to the development of actions to favor the business fabric, strengthening the growth and development of companies, facilitating the economic boost and supporting employment in Asturias, in general, and in Gijón, in particular.


Within the framework of the recently signed agreement, Unicaja Banco offers the Chamber financial products and services under preferential conditions. Likewise, it considers the implementation of joint actions to promote aspects such as transversal training that allows the creation of companies and job creation.



EU co-funded programs


In addition to the collaboration through the Emprende Joven Digital Program, both institutions also seek to support entrepreneurs in all phases of their business life (España Emprende Program) and to strengthen the quality and extension of the Dual Vocational Training system in Spain (Programa FP Dual) with the participation of companies in this type of training.


In short, these are programs co-funded by the European Union and based on the principles of sustainability, equality and non-discrimination, aspects that respond to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, to which both entities are committed.


  • Productos y servicios
  • Institucional

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