
Unicaja Banco renews its collaboration as a Friendly Company of the University of Salamanca

The bank continues to support several initiatives of the university community through an agreement with the University’s Fundación General

19 OCT 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has renewed one more year its collaboration with the University of Salamanca, continuing with its support to the Friendly Companies Program (Programa de Empresas Amigas), managed by the Fundación General, an institution aimed at establishing permanent links between the University and companies. The agreement has been signed by the Managing Director of the Fundación, Óscar González Benito, and by Unicaja Banco’s Head of Commercial Banking in Castilla y León Sur, Manuel Rubio.


Unicaja Banco is part of group of 28 Friendly Companies of the institution, and it has participated with a stand at the Freshers’ Fair (Feria de Bienvenida) for University students at Salamanca.


The University’s Fundación General develops its activities mainly in the areas of continuing training, technological innovation and university employment, as well as the physical presence of the University of Salamanca in Latin America.


The Managing Director of the Fundación General de la Universidad, Óscar Benito, highlighted that this agreement is one more milestone in the effort made by the University of Salamanca to collaborate with its social and business environment.


Manuel Rubio, in the name of Unicaja Banco, remarked that the bank ‘shares the goals of the Fundación, especially those related to technological innovation and university employment’, and offered again ‘the bank’s support to those projects which contribute to generate wealth in Salamanca and in the region’.

  • Institucional


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