
Unicaja Banco and the Gijon Chamber of Commerce join forces to improve the competitiveness of companies

The agreement features a wide financial offering and the joint development of initiatives to promote entrepreneurship and innovation and to improve training

06 OCT 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and the Gijon Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation strengthen their collaboration with the renewal of the agreement they have been maintaining for years and which aims at facilitating the activity of Gijon companies.


The signing of this agreement reflects Unicaja Banco’s general interest in contributing to the development of actions aimed at favoring the business fabric, reinforcing the growth and development of companies, facilitating the economic boost and supporting employment in Asturias, in general, and in Gijon, in particular.


Unicaja Banco’s Head of Cabinet, Ana Echenique, and the President of the Gijon Chamber of Commerce, Félix Baragaño, have signed the renewal of this agreement, under which the bank offers financial products and services on preferential conditions to the member companies of the chamber of commerce. Likewise, the agreement also includes the implementation of joint actions to promote topics such as transversal training to enable the creation of companies and job creation.



Sustainability and equality


Specifically, both institutions will collaborate in the development of initiatives such as España Emprende, FP Dual and Emprende Joven Digital programs, co-financed by the European Union and based on the principles of sustainability, equality and non-discrimination, aspects that respond to ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) criteria, to which both institutions are committed.


The agreement seeks to provide support to entrepreneurs in all phases of a company’s life (Programa España Emprende); to strengthen the quality and extension of the Dual Vocational Training system in Spain (Programa FP Dual), with the participation of companies in this type of training; and to help young people to become entrepreneurs in the digital sector by acquiring the necessary skills (Programa Emprende Joven Digital).



Importance of the business fabric


Unicaja Banco is aware of the importance of the business fabric, which is key in a context such as the current one. For this reason, the bank, characterized by its proximity banking model and with a significant presence in Asturias, one of its regions of origin, wants to continue to be close to companies, supporting them in their development and improving their productivity, while supporting entrepreneurship and promoting new initiatives.


To this end, it enables the financing of projects, either directly or by facilitating access to European Next Generation funds, among other options. It also offers a wide range of financial products and services, always focused on innovation and the transition to a more sustainable economy.


The Gijon Chamber of Commerce represents the general interests of companies in Gijon, Carreño and Langreo. Its vocation is to offer high added value services to companies, with special attention to SMEs and to sectors and groups that require greater effort, such as retailers, self-employed, women entrepreneurs, the disabled or young people with business initiatives.


The services of the Gijon Chamber of Commerce cover a wide range of needs: from training or opening international markets, through advice and support for the creation of companies, to new strategic areas such as quality, sustainability, communication or new technologies.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios

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