
Unicaja Banco backs green mobility and strengthens its loan for sustainable vehicles

This loan is aimed at financing low or zero emission cars, as well as recreational boats with this classification and electric recharging points

28 NOV 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco is committed to sustainability in general and tries to help its customers in this 'green' transition. For this reason, it backs the acquisition of more efficient vehicles and, to this end, among other products and services, it is improving its Ecomobility Loan.


This is a 'green' loan aimed at individuals to finance sustainable cars, both new and pre-owned or second-hand, as well as electric recharging points. It also covers other zero-emission vehicles with less than four wheels, and even recreational boats with the same environmental label.


Specifically, low emission cars (less than 50 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer); motor vehicles with less than four wheels (motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, etc.) and recreational boats, provided they have zero direct CO2 emissions, and also, although together with the financing of the above, the acquisition and installation of electric recharging points.


Therefore, any vehicle with the Zero Emissions label of the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) is financed. This environmental label includes electric and plug-in hybrid cars, as well as those using alternative fuels.


The entity offers financing of up to 100% of the vehicle, and can lend between 5,000 and 60,000 euros, to be repaid over a period of two to eight years.  In fact, the Ecomobility Loan, with which Unicaja Banco shows its commitment to sustainability, improves the financing conditions of those offered for the acquisition of a non-efficient vehicle.



Commitment to ecomobility


By contributing to making the mobility of its customers more sustainable, Unicaja Banco favors, in short, the transition to a 'greener' lifestyle. By acquiring a vehicle that respects the environment, customers contribute to combating climate change, since the reduction in the emission of polluting gases will have a lower environmental impact.


With an environmentally friendly vehicle, lower levels of consumption of natural resources and energy are achieved. In addition, by not using fossil fuels during journeys, polluting emissions are minimized, thus helping to reduce climate and environmental risks.


This 'green' loan is part of a wide range of sustainable financial products and services that Unicaja Banco makes available to its customers. In general, the development and promotion of renewable energy sources, as well as the promotion of measures to improve energy efficiency are priority objectives for Unicaja Banco, not only because they contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emissions or environmental impact, but also because they entail economic savings for families.

  • Productos y servicios

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